Monday, December 31, 2012
Future of the doctrine by Dr. Dahlia Wasfi
Its not about Taliban/Sects/Religion/faiths/regions/colors at all. This is modern warfare and this is how they made it look like war against terrorism and right now we are on the verge of war. Our provinces and government departments and army all are being engage to fight these conspiracies even they are truth. Even a simple dumb history student can make analysis of friendship of So called world powers and the end result. Democracy in states or UK all are saving their thugs honestly. This is modern way of world war to capture the resources of all countries who got oil or minerals or strategic importance they build their Point of presence on all sites and controlled them and under the hood of democracy after killing hundred of thousands on the name of peace they build sectarian issues. and corporations are running the world powers politics. And right now after making very powerful command and control on all around middle east one after another war being waged. they are clearing Afghanistan and now Syria and finally Pakistan will be the target. But this is the very critical time for people of Pakistan . This is the time when they let people of Pakistan worry about local issues of security and needs of Gasoline and households or jobs. Behind the media and on ground they are building the and stabling the parameters to fully wage us.Sooner or later we have to face them in an year or coming years they will eventually attack Pakistan together. from all directions. But we are sleeping under the dust of time as were our fellow brothers and sisters in Iraq/Afghanistan or Syria or Bosnia or in Palestine or Burma or Kashmir. Pakistan is now under attack from many years. but eventually they will wage it fully and people of Pakistan are so busy in domestic issue. and can not read the parameters and ground facts which are knocking on our all walls and frontiers and borders from all directions.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Bismillah I Am A Muslim
Bismillah I Am A Muslim
"In the name of God, most Gracious, most Compassionate".
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Nationalism By Dr.Israr Ahmed and Allama Iqbal RA
Nationalism By Dr.Israr Ahmed
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مدائنِ صالع.... قومِ ثمود پر اللہ تعالی کے عذاب کی کہانی ....
مدائنِ صالع.... قومِ ثمود پر اللہ تعالی کے عذاب کی کہانی ....
جو کچهه همارے ساتهه بطور مسلمان و پاکستانی آج کل هو رهآ هے تو همارے رسول صل اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم نے جو ارشادات همارے لیے فرمائے هیں انکو هم نے نہیں بهلایا هے؟؟؟ .. فرماتے هیں آگر کوئی ظلم دیکهے و ظالم کو نہ روکے تو اللہ تعالی سب پر عذاب نازل کرتاهے ... جب هر قبیلے و گروه کی سربراهی منافقوں کے هاتهوں میں هونگی عوام کے نمائندے ظالم هونگے و اپنوں کی بجائے غیروں سے تعلق رکهنے والے هونگے ... ایسے افراد کی تائید هوگی جنکے دل میں رائی کے برابر ایمان نہیں هوگا ... نا اهل لوگ ریاست کے ذمہ دار پوسٹوں پر هونگے اور جب مکہ کی عمارتیں اردگرد پہاڑوں کی چوٹیوں کے برابر هو جائے تو ..... سمجهو کہ معاملہ تمهارے سر پر آ گیا
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Wonder of world
Human intelligence can be over or under rated. But still a human have to learn a lot on his way of exploring the world he living in. We have a time unit and A light year and to the cosmos we are living there are so tiny units even we are very short of measuring unit to this gigantic universe. Human being has to learn a lot during the course of his life. From very start of time and till now Human learned all from the The Creator. all words being taught to him. Human technology and inventions still need a word purpose and if that purpose is common betterment than it will excel to new ways with mutual collaboration from all races and colors of humankind. But everything is good for those who understand the happening and occurrence and existence of all is due to reason and objects and purpose. And running in a perfect harmony as for example a human creation and all automation of human body and CNS and all other systems working together in a perfect harmony and still human is currently rather doing constructive ways playing with immune systems. I will pray and keep praying to ALLAH that let us understand and walk towards you and help the other who is near or close from us. This wonderful world is created for us like all living things like with understanding are for us to enjoy and use them in appropriate way. Not to distort the nature but preserve it in its own fashion as there is no fissure and fault and something missing in all creation and living thing around us. ALL existence and non existence creations are perfect in fashion of creation. and there is no filth in creation as Nature itself recycle itself in perfect way as the Creator is showing us symbols and examples throughout our life tenure and stages of ages. above all these creatures take us close to The Creator.
Magnifying the Universe
The Universe made possible by Number Sleuth
Allah(عز وجل) the Only Creator: Time and Universe and Life and Every creature
We are Pakistan
We are Pakistan
Jamaat e Islami - Vision 2020
Vote For Change:
Pakistan reviving its history
The saviors of Pakistan!!Tribute to our Mohtram Qazi Sahab from his sons
ایسی ویڈیو جو آپ کی آنکھیں کھول دے گی
کو یقین نہیں آئے گا کہ اس ملک میں ایسے لوگ بھی موجود ہیں جنکی امانت
ودیانت کا دوست اور دشمن سبھی اقرار کرتے ہیں ۔ اور آپ مجبور ہو جائیں گے
کہ 2013 کے الیکشن میں ایسے لوگوں کو ہی ووٹ دیں
Whats going on right now in whole world?
Whats going on right now in whole world? and why in Pakistan one after
another leader or scholar killed? Do Pakistani Nationalist killed ? what
media is doing? what politician doing ?
We need to ponder on all aspects before talking about this ERA of STOCK TAKING. and before that we need to have a brief look at PRESENT WORLD and FOUNDATIONS OF MODERN CIVILIZATION. There is not problem with bases. You can never bring a perfection in a system. Live in Reality. Its a very slow process of awareness first because right now ignorance is our first challenge and when people are fully aware and knowledge full they will eventually wiser enough to speak and know the truth. Why always a scholar is to be killed or a person or leader who wants a change or prosperity to his people? from the birth of this nation and till now and also the Khilafah break and reason and till now. we need to make a broader look to all events. Its all happening in same fashion. In Pakistan you can see they are taking down any scholar who is really wiser and one after another. Oppressor is always oppressor. Its not always about Leaders but its about us. the people of a land or nation or followers of religion. You need to look around in history to know the truth. Right now we can only see the fall of wall brick after another. for viewing the issue we need to go to past when this wall was firm and strong like Iron wall. That Wall is Muslim Ummah. Like Muslims in Spain. or at the time of Life of Muhammad PBUH. Its not I am connecting a to z but truth is truth. its either Palestine, Bosnia, Kashmir, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, or Egypt. This is not done in single shot its a continue process of destruction and a very wide mass destruction on all levels of civilizations and cultures and society.
Thing is whatever happening in my home is not the issue of the person living on a far coast. But when far coast is taking interest there is some interest. And interest is very obvious not even resources but destabilize the systems with one after another push or trick. we need to learn the lessons from past. Its not that we are the victims but all world have to pay the price. Right now Europe and America or Australia all are facing the Giants Corporations against their own people even Governments. as oppressor has one rule that is to oppress. because when people of America,Europe or Australia let excel the tumor in their cradles now they have to taste and at the same time we are tasting it from more than 2 centuries.
But Our scholars did a very good job here. There is a list of them philosopher or religious or politician in past who fought and make people aware not only their nation but world. irrespective of the color or faith they pointed out the common evil of systems. and why Islam is the most growing religion in world is have only Reason that is TRUTH. Truth is a single shot that make you calm and soothe right in heart. and right now you can see these towers of light from horizons to world in all places they are dazzling and delighting the hearts of people. Its not a fantasy its truth and Truth speaks for its Truthfulness round the clock and breath after another. Either our politician are chosen or imposed but ALLAH ALMIGHTY is the only Best PLANNER in all existence and non existence living or non living. One have to meet God after 1 wink of eye or 1 break or 1 Day or 10 years or 100 or thousands of years but eventually we have to meet God.
This is a simple understanding whatever going on or in the world we are living but we have one to one connection to ALLAH and that channel is between two.
Bottom line is our wills for will only be en-lighted when our wills will fall in WILL of Creator and know the objective of living and the path as ISLAM THE ONLY WAY
We need to ponder on all aspects before talking about this ERA of STOCK TAKING. and before that we need to have a brief look at PRESENT WORLD and FOUNDATIONS OF MODERN CIVILIZATION. There is not problem with bases. You can never bring a perfection in a system. Live in Reality. Its a very slow process of awareness first because right now ignorance is our first challenge and when people are fully aware and knowledge full they will eventually wiser enough to speak and know the truth. Why always a scholar is to be killed or a person or leader who wants a change or prosperity to his people? from the birth of this nation and till now and also the Khilafah break and reason and till now. we need to make a broader look to all events. Its all happening in same fashion. In Pakistan you can see they are taking down any scholar who is really wiser and one after another. Oppressor is always oppressor. Its not always about Leaders but its about us. the people of a land or nation or followers of religion. You need to look around in history to know the truth. Right now we can only see the fall of wall brick after another. for viewing the issue we need to go to past when this wall was firm and strong like Iron wall. That Wall is Muslim Ummah. Like Muslims in Spain. or at the time of Life of Muhammad PBUH. Its not I am connecting a to z but truth is truth. its either Palestine, Bosnia, Kashmir, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, or Egypt. This is not done in single shot its a continue process of destruction and a very wide mass destruction on all levels of civilizations and cultures and society.
Thing is whatever happening in my home is not the issue of the person living on a far coast. But when far coast is taking interest there is some interest. And interest is very obvious not even resources but destabilize the systems with one after another push or trick. we need to learn the lessons from past. Its not that we are the victims but all world have to pay the price. Right now Europe and America or Australia all are facing the Giants Corporations against their own people even Governments. as oppressor has one rule that is to oppress. because when people of America,Europe or Australia let excel the tumor in their cradles now they have to taste and at the same time we are tasting it from more than 2 centuries.
But Our scholars did a very good job here. There is a list of them philosopher or religious or politician in past who fought and make people aware not only their nation but world. irrespective of the color or faith they pointed out the common evil of systems. and why Islam is the most growing religion in world is have only Reason that is TRUTH. Truth is a single shot that make you calm and soothe right in heart. and right now you can see these towers of light from horizons to world in all places they are dazzling and delighting the hearts of people. Its not a fantasy its truth and Truth speaks for its Truthfulness round the clock and breath after another. Either our politician are chosen or imposed but ALLAH ALMIGHTY is the only Best PLANNER in all existence and non existence living or non living. One have to meet God after 1 wink of eye or 1 break or 1 Day or 10 years or 100 or thousands of years but eventually we have to meet God.
This is a simple understanding whatever going on or in the world we are living but we have one to one connection to ALLAH and that channel is between two.
Bottom line is our wills for will only be en-lighted when our wills will fall in WILL of Creator and know the objective of living and the path as ISLAM THE ONLY WAY
Did you ever think that why Allah created us?
Did you ever think that why Allah created us?
Did you ever think that why Allah created us ? i'm sure ALLAH HAD purpose to create us ?
But before i start. I'd like to let you know that Allah did not create humans or anything else because of a need. Allah does not need anything he creates. Allah is above the creation, and therefore has no need for any of it.
and also we must understand that us, humans, are not the greatest creation. (I know you are thinking, "WHAT, how could this be!!!") We know this because of this verse from quran
Indeed, the creation of the heavens and the earth is greater than the creation of mankind, but most of mankind do not realize it 40:57
لَخَلْقُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ أَكْبَرُ مِنْ خَلْقِ النَّاسِ وَلَٰكِنَّ أَكْثَرَ النَّاسِ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ
So, why we are here?
أَفَحَسِبْتُمْ أَنَّمَا خَلَقْنَاكُمْ عَبَثًا وَأَنَّكُمْ إِلَيْنَا لَا تُرْجَعُونَ
Did you think that We had created you to play (without any purpose), and that you would not be brought back to Us?"(23:115)
Allah says in the Quran that He did not create all of this for any foolish purpose. He tells us that He created us for the purpose of worshiping Him, Alone and without any partners.
وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالْإِنسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ
And I (Allah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (Alone).(51:56)
إِنَّنِي أَنَا اللَّهُ لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا أَنَا فَاعْبُدْنِي وَأَقِمِ الصَّلَاةَ لِذِكْرِي
Indeed, I am Allah . There is no deity except Me, so worship Me and establish prayer
so the purpose is to worship him Alone :)
If so what did ALLAH command us to do until meeting up HIM?
إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَأْمُرُكُمْ أَن تُؤَدُّوا الْأَمَانَاتِ إِلَىٰ أَهْلِهَا وَإِذَا حَكَمْتُم بَيْنَ النَّاسِ أَن تَحْكُمُوا بِالْعَدْلِ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ نِعِمَّا يَعِظُكُم بِهِ ۗ إِنَّ اللَّهَ كَانَ سَمِيعًا بَصِيرًا
Verily! Allah commands that you should render back the trusts to those to whom they are due; and that when you judge between men, you judge with justice. Verily, how excellent is the teaching with He (Allah) gives you! Truly, Allah is Ever All-Hearer, All-Seer. (4:58)
قُلْ تَعَالَوْا أَتْلُ مَا حَرَّمَ رَبُّكُمْ عَلَيْكُمْ ۖ أَلَّا تُشْرِكُوا بِهِ شَيْئًا ۖ وَبِالْوَالِدَيْنِ إِحْسَانًا ۖ وَلَا تَقْتُلُوا أَوْلَادَكُم مِّنْ إِمْلَاقٍ ۖ نَّحْنُ نَرْزُقُكُمْ وَإِيَّاهُمْ ۖ وَلَا تَقْرَبُوا الْفَوَاحِشَ مَا ظَهَرَ مِنْهَا وَمَا بَطَنَ ۖ وَلَا تَقْتُلُوا النَّفْسَ الَّتِي حَرَّمَ اللَّهُ إِلَّا بِالْحَقِّ ۚ ذَٰلِكُمْ وَصَّاكُم بِهِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَعْقِلُونَ
Say (O Muhammad pbuh ) : Come, I will recite what your Lord has prohibited you from: be Join not anything in worship with Him; be good and dutiful to your parents; Kill not your children because of poverty “ We provide sustenance for you and for them; come not near to Al-Fawahish (shameful sins, illegal sexual intercourse) whether committed openly or secretly; and kill not anyone whom Allah has forbidden, except for a just cause (according to Islamic law). This He has commanded you that you may understand (6:151)
Allah, our Creator, commands us to believe in HIM, pray for HIM ALONE, obey HIM ALONE and follow HIS messengers ,and stay away from evil-doing.There is a guarantee of HIS Mercy in HIS obedience.
sound so easy not that hard to ignore what you are created for
Now What is going to happen to the previous nations when they disobeyed Allah ?
وَعَنَتِ الْوُجُوهُ لِلْحَيِّ الْقَيُّومِ ۖ وَقَدْ خَابَ مَنْ حَمَلَ ظُلْمًا
And [all] faces will be humbled before the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of existence. And he will have failed who carries injustice (20:111)
وَمَنْ أَعْرَضَ عَن ذِكْرِي فَإِنَّ لَهُ مَعِيشَةً ضَنكًا وَنَحْشُرُهُ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ أَعْمَىٰ
And how ever turns away from My remembrance - indeed, he will have a depressed life, and We will gather him on the Day of Resurrection blind" (20:124)
قَالَ رَبِّ لِمَ حَشَرْتَنِي أَعْمَىٰ وَقَدْ كُنتُ بَصِيرًا
He will say, "My Lord, why have you raised me blind while I was [once] seeing? (20:125)
قَالَ كَذَٰلِكَ أَتَتْكَ آيَاتُنَا فَنَسِيتَهَا ۖ وَكَذَٰلِكَ الْيَوْمَ تُنسَىٰ
[ Allah ] will say, "Thus did Our signs come to you, and you forgot them; and thus will you this Day be forgotten (20:126)
وَكَذَٰلِكَ نَجْزِي مَنْ أَسْرَفَ وَلَمْ يُؤْمِن بِآيَاتِ رَبِّهِ ۚ وَلَعَذَابُ الْآخِرَةِ أَشَدُّ وَأَبْقَىٰ
And thus do We recompense he who transgressed and did not believe in the signs of his Lord. And the punishment of the Hereafter is more severe and more enduring(20:127)
فَكُلًّا أَخَذْنَا بِذَنبِهِ ۖ فَمِنْهُم مَّنْ أَرْسَلْنَا عَلَيْهِ حَاصِبًا وَمِنْهُم مَّنْ أَخَذَتْهُ الصَّيْحَةُ وَمِنْهُم مَّنْ خَسَفْنَا بِهِ الْأَرْضَ وَمِنْهُم مَّنْ أَغْرَقْنَا ۚ وَمَا كَانَ اللَّهُ لِيَظْلِمَهُمْ وَلَٰكِن كَانُوا أَنفُسَهُمْ يَظْلِمُونَ
So We punished each (of them) for his sins; of them were some on whom We sent Hasib (a violent wind with shower of stones) (as on the people of Lut (Lot) , and of them were some who were overtaken by As-saihah (torment “ awful cry. (as Thamud or Shuabs people), and of them were some whem We caused the earth to swallow (as Qarun (Korah), and of them were some whom We drowned (as the people of Nuh (Noah), or Firaun (Pharaoh) and his people). It was not Allah Who wronged them, but they wronged themselves .(29,40)
By the end... and it's not the end... i do like to remind you with one of ALLAH is advice to us
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا قُوا أَنفُسَكُمْ وَأَهْلِيكُمْ نَارًا وَقُودُهَا النَّاسُ وَالْحِجَارَةُ عَلَيْهَا مَلَائِكَةٌ غِلَاظٌ شِدَادٌ لَّا يَعْصُونَ اللَّهَ مَا أَمَرَهُمْ وَيَفْعَلُونَ مَا يُؤْمَرُونَ
O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is people and stones, over which are [appointed] angels, harsh and severe; they do not disobey Allah in what He commands them but do what they are commanded. (66:6)
وَمَن يَعْمَلْ مِنَ الصَّالِحَاتِ وَهُوَ مُؤْمِنٌ فَلَا يَخَافُ ظُلْمًا وَلَا هَضْمًا
But he who does of rightchous deeds while he is a believer - he will neither fear injustice nor deprivation (20:112)
Meera Adam
Read More:
The Golden ingredient of success : Purpose
The Golden ingredient of success : Purpose
The Golden ingredient of success : Purpose
Masses are crazy about events and things and wonders happening in world round the clock and with each breath. But under the wonders of happening their is a unique element called objective lets Pray God let us understand the Objective of all this happening and even the object of creation of this world as well the objective of creation of the human-being and objective of creation of all living and non living and existence or non existence. Matter or no matter but objective is our strive and our straight path to God make us more close to step after another with as much clear we are clear about the objective of all happening and occurrence of events around us even the very next moment or the moment passing out or the moment you are going to face the very next of the wink of eye or the the very next breath. Its all God knows all we know is objective of our life is to live for others. and have to live close to GOD with our actions and words and purpose and deeds and to do list. In all mattes we need to know the objective and objective make and delight the deeds and our works as we do not work with hands or mind but with soul and passion and power of will from HIM right in our heart. The only ingredient of success is the Purpose.
When your purpose is helping the very next living being without out any interest You will be automatically lead to the next step that is climax of humanity and living a life for humanity.
You can see and read and implement many objective plans and techniques to motivate your team but above all is the real motive and objective of the work or deed or the purpose of job. When that purpose is bringing good to humanity in real means or the soul of the job from thinking to production level is serving humanity than your all members will be full of enthusiasm. You do not need to a valued time to workout on their brainstorming or making them focus of the jobs or work all you need to take care of them in their issues regarding being human being rather an employee. Its very easy to understand from the creation of all existence and non existence that the purpose is the golden ingredient in all universe.
All creatures throughout the living cycle stay tight to the objectives. When you are not sure about the objective you will be lost in wonder land of existence and non-existence with each breath or tide you will lost in those wonders. and when you are fully aware of the Objective your all efforts and deeds will be focus and destined to success.
From Nature this Objective is Live for others and to human that is solely HUMANITY.
The Objective of all humankind is Humanity and that is the only Message of books from GOD. and words from GOD. The day you will live for others you will surely safeguard your greed and evil habit intrusion to your work or action list. and your own objective and focus will be others and that is Humanity and in other means the other one do the same for you. and that will bring the common factor of excel that is Objective in society. Henceforth step after another Golden ingredient will be part of the Humanity by humankind. that will bring perfect harmony among creatures and take them back to the Creator.
Read More;
Did you ever think that why Allah created us?
The 5 Pillars of ISLAM
The 5 Pillars of ISLAM
More Videos:
Faith According to Islam
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Why Islam
Why Islam
What prompt you to become Muslim???
What do non-muslims know about Muslims ?
Have You Ever Wondered, Why it Happens Always?
How Hollywood is making the world hate MUSLIMS!!!
IsLam is coLour bLind!!!
Can Male and Female bE Just Friends???
UnLikeLy ConverTs!!!
Sword of Allah
ChampionS oF Democracy, Watch this song for Gaza.
You Only Live Twice noT Once
BeyoncE knowLes LeT mE Down becausE
HomosexuaLiTy in isLam
Queenie Padilla "A way oF LiFE"
CaN I Ask u A PersonaL QuesTioN???
Why I am Here:
ThE Woman Who Does'T Cover Her Head,ShavE oFF Her Hair!!!
The Jews and Christians say
The Jews and Christians say:
Holy Quran explains what they are saying in Surat At-Tawbah (The Repentance) - سورة التوبة
This is a portion of the entire surah. View more context, or the entire surah.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Water and Dams and Power issues
Just a view of local news papers as let his to judiciary to eradicate the dishonesty and bring culprit behind the bars or show to nation who is who and who did what:
Its a need of hour to show the real face of people who are sitting and enjoying the taxes of Pakistan for nothing in return even this the very first part of the oath to be honest with their job. But what really going on ?
Most of the people are really really not working at all for any common good other than their own good and personal benefits along the tenure. How long we will be a silent observer or I will say spectators of Wonderland of Pakistan. None of us gonna speak and few are if speaking do not appreciate them as they are part of some conspiracy theories lols :)
This World is wonderful place with people do not follow the obvious and follow the falsehood and later give a perfect statement this is conspiracy theory. And if you do not want anyone to talk about something put a single dot or point it out as suspecious incident or event and if someone start to find out truth:
A Common fashion is adopted:
Are you mad or what?
Nothing gonna change?
Are you Really Insane?
Are you nuts?
What gonna change if you really find the truth and shared?
Listen : and listen it very clearly :
Its not and never about them or anyone its belong to us and its a very rightful and very first right of human being to speak truth and share truth and read truth and strive for truth. eventually rest will be synchronize and get stable and up to mark in even a longer run.
So lets not be so simple and lets do not make our home a home of conspiracy theories and being responsible citizen or nation: if someone is not doing anything just begin it from you. as this is the last resort of any matter as well the very first resort too. Its a matter of understanding and really matter to take part and read and write about. A Change only comes when you wish or strive for it. Change or Truth comes from us. Either its any part or walk of life.
Either its issue of Water Board or WAPDA or SUI GAS or anyother Department or monopoly of PTCL or education system or religions aspects. We can do a lot and we make a change as the only thing that changed or bad effected is :
The way people start thinking and acting
This is the very first ground the made so firm as our thinking process is deeply and unfortuanetly changed as we are no more effective in many ways either its education perspective or issue of water or a simple election participation or issue of social media and social culture or norms. Though individuals are becoming benchmarks with the passage of time. We are really so diverse in ways and things we have right in this country. Everybit is in our favor the only missing ingredients is The Muslim Of Quran or Life of Muhammad PBUH or ME of Iqbal or with times that conception came to be followed by us.In this world everyone by nature is good and willing to do good. The only matter to bring a change is the very first step or the spark of faith right in your heart that can bring this nation or this world to a better place. Why not we keep try and why we do not strive to excel, its not about positions or grades but a matter called Wisdom the vital ingredient given to mankind by scriptures and words for God in all times.
How long we will be spectators or one the other end who see like a tv. all actions and all motivation could be seen on the other side not the side you own. Be Really You and be the Really You and the one the Creator want you to be. No matter how long you following the paths or no direction at last resort you have to fall or reach or touch the Only Straight Path to God. Choice is yours talk a hundred of years to drive to this path or take the very first step to be on path and start speaking Truth. What we really fear from the Creator or unfortunately People or societies or norms or world. Come on. Follow the belief or faith you say with all words Read Surrah Faitha and your life will be easy the day you understand its meaning and they day you understand the Faith you will eventually connected to God for all activities or actions or events or line of fates or paths and before and after of everything thing that exist or do not exist in matter and understanding of us.
So Live a life with Nature Gift Called Purpose with Actions for TRUTH.
According to the probe report received by Dunya News, ex-Indus Water Commissioner Jamaat Ali Shah remained mum over contentious Nimo Bazgo hydropower project on Indus river for four years despite being aware about it.The probe committee recorded the statements of Indus Water Commissioner Sheraz memon, Deputy Indus Water Commissioner Faris Qazi and former Joint Commissioner Tahir Waseem. Only verbal statement of Jamaat Ali Shah wasrecorded.Jammat Ali Shah was accused of keeping the government into dark regarding controversial Mino Bazgo Dam project despite of reports of Military Intelligence and Inter Services Intelligence and help India to get Carbon Credit Certificate from United Nations. Shah also refrained from taking the matter into International Court of Arbitration despite of government directions.
Jihadi periodical Jamaatud Dawa newspaper Jarrar (5 March 2010) reported that the people of Pakistan thought that Pakistan's Indus Water Commissioner Jamaat Ali Shah was bodily a Pakistani but his tongue spoke the language of Hindus. He had not stopped making the strange statement (darfuntani) that India had not stolen Pakistan's water. Jamaat Ali Shah was getting his salary from Pakistan but working for India, the paper said.
Unfortunately, Jamaatud Dawa took out a procession on Lahore's central mall in February 2010, its leader Hafiz Said making provocative speeches. Later the Chief of the Army Staff and the Prime of Pakistan also raised 'the issue of waters' in their statements.
Reported in Nawa-e-Waqt (3 June 2010) a seminar held by Nawa-e-Waqt Group of newspapers decided that Pakistan's Indus Waters Commissioner Jamaat Ali Shah was no longer speaking for Pakistan but was defending the Indian position on the stealing of river waters by India through 62 dams. Speakers including such "illustrious" men as Ambassador (Retd) Javed Hussain who said that India was stealing one crore forty acre feet of water and that the Indus Water Treaty was only good for the 1960s but today India's water aggression could lead to an Indo-Pak war that would soon turn into a nuclear world war.
Nawa-e-Waqt further reported that Indus Waters Treaty Commissioner Jamaat Ali Shah, while leaving for New Delhi to talk about waters shared by India and Pakistan, said that Pakistan was getting its share of waters under the Indus Treaty and that building a dam was the right of India. He said less water in Pakistani rivers was because of lack of rain, not because India had blocked it. The statement was a shock to many who thought India was waging a water war against Pakistan.
Quoted in Jang, Indus Water Commissioner Jamaat Ali Shah said in Lahore that Indus Water Treaty between Pakistan and India was an unhappy marriage over the years. He said India was preparing to build 25 to 20 dams on the rivers given to Pakistan. Although the dams were allowed by the treaty India should act on the spirit of the Treaty and agree to amend the amount of water given by the treaty to India from three Pakistani rivers. The reason was that the water flow in these rivers had decreased.
Reported in Nawa-e-Waqt (16 Dec 2010) Jamaat Ali Shah Pakistani's Indus Waters Commissioner under the Indus Treaty was made OSD by the PM after many years in service once considered meritorious. He was made the commissioner in 1993 and was on the job till 2010 while India changed four commissioners during this period. Zahurul Hasan Dahir of the anti-India lobby said Shah had accepted Indian influence and had allowed Indian dams to be built on rivers belonging to Pakistan.
Reported in Jang (5 Jan 2012), Indus Waters ex-commissioner Jamaat Ali Shah facilitated the building of India's illegal Nimoo-Bazgo dam so that Leh could get electricity which means that Indian soldiers at Siachen would get the benefit of more comfort through use of electricity.
Quoted in daily Pakistan (4 Jan 2012), former Indus Waters Commissioner Jamaat Ali Shah said in Canada that he was surprised by news that he had run away to Canada after violating exit-control orders against him. He said he had come to Canada to look after his ill mother and despite retirement from his job he had informed the concerned authorities before departing Pakistan. He said he was available to answer any charges.
On 23 January 2012, the Ministry of Water and Power and its subordinate institution - the Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) - started probing deeper into the alleged involvement of former Indus Water commissioner Jamaat Ali Shah in allegedly "facilitating" Indian authorities to construct the controversial Nimoo-Bazgo hydropower project. FIA swooped down and took control of the office of the Commissioner and began pouring over its files.
Dawn (16 April 2011) reported: 'Intelligence agencies seized on Friday the record of at least two federal ministries to investigate an alleged institutional lapse of not raising objections over Indian aggression on the country's water rights and securing international carbon credits on hydropower projects disputed by Pakistan'.
A preliminary report maintained that the former water commissioner did not play his due role and remained silent over the Nimoo-Bazgo hydropower project (built by India during 2002-2009) and did not raise any objections during the Pak-India meetings. But surprisingly, the commission started pursuing the project vigorously at all levels when it was known that it would be impossible to change the design of the project after its completion. The 57-metre-high controversial Nimoo-Bazgo hydroelectric project is being developed in the Leh district on the Indus River and it is a run-of-the-river power project on the Indus River situated in village Alchi, 70 kilometres from Leh.
Express Tribune (3 January2012) reported: 'Pakistan is gearing up for yet another legal battle over India's 'aggression' on the country's water rights and securing international carbon credits on hydropower projects disputed by Pakistan. The latest case under dispute is the construction of the controversial 45-MW Nimoo-Bazgo hydropower project on the Indus River by India, after Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani approved challenging the project in the International Court of Arbitration (ICA)'.
Daily Times (18 July 2012) reported that the federal government had decided not to file a lawsuit in the Permanent Court of Arbitration-International Court of Arbitration (PCA-ICA) in Hague regarding its concerns and grievances over the controversial 45MW Nimoo-Bazgo hydroelectric power project.
Annexure C of the Indus Waters Treaty is about India's right to divert certain amount of water in certain months from the Western Rivers given to Pakistan. There is also no bar on the building of water storage for electricity production or any other non-consumptive use on Western Rivers (Annexure E). If anyone complains in Pakistan about India building dams and taking some water out of our rivers, he speaks out of ignorance.
Brahma Chellaney in his book Water: Asia's New Battleground (Harper/Collins 2011) remarks: 'Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi told a national news conference in April 2010 and said: "Is India stealing that water from you? No, it is not. Please do not fool yourself and do not misguide the nation. We are mismanaging that water". Despite his confession, the Pakistani government has continued to spotlight water as a contentious bilateral matter. One possible reason for its raking up the water issue in recent years is that it helps Pakistan to redirect attention away from India's focus on cross-border terrorism emanating from Pakistani territory as the core concern' (p.223).
Brahma Chellaney, one of India's leading strategic thinkers and analysts, is a professor at the Centre for Policy
Research in New Delhi. He has served as a member of the Policy Advisory Group headed by the foreign minister
of India, and as an adviser to India's National Security Council.
Judicial inquiry commission to probe Jamaat Ali Shah
Dead Reckoning: Memories of the 1971 Bangladesh and Human Rights
Dead Reckoning: Memories of the 1971 Bangladesh and Human Rights
Right now state of Human Rights in bangladesh:
To know about Human Rights situa on in Bangladesh:
Letter to MPs on ICT
UN Working Group Opinion on ICT
Ambassador Stephen Rapp on Bangladesh International Crimes Tribunal
Human Rights Watch – Stop harrasment of defense at ICT
Few books about Bangladesh:
By Dr. M. Abdul Mu’min Chowdhury
Behind the Myth of 3 Million
Myth-busting the Bangladesh war of 1971 |
An author discusses her new book about the historical narratives of the 1971 civil war that broke up East Pakistan.
Hamood-ur-Rahman Commission Report
Blood and Tears by Qutubuddin Aziz
Dead Reckoning: Memories of the 1971 Bangladesh War
ground-breaking book chronicles the 1971 war in South Asia by
reconstituting the memories of those on opposing sides of the conflict.
1971 was marked by a bitter civil war within Pakistan and war between
India and Pakistan, backed respectively by the Soviet Union and the
United States. It was fought over the territory of East Pakistan, which
seceded to become Bangladesh. Through a detailed investigation of events
on the ground, Sarmila Bose contextualises and humanises the war while
analysing what the events reveal about the nature of the conflict
itself. The story of 1971 has so far been dominated by the narrative of
the victorious side. All parties to the war are still largely imprisoned
by wartime partisan mythologies. Bose reconstructs events via
interviews conducted in Bangladesh and Pakistan, published and
unpublished reminiscences in Bengali and English of participants on all
sides, official documents, foreign media reports and other sources. Her
book challenges assumptions about the nature of the conflict, and
exposes the ways in which the 1971 war is still playing out in the
Dead Reckoning: Memories of the 1971 Bangladesh War
by Sarmila Bose
Editorial Reviews
truth about the Bangladesh war is that remarkably few scholars and
historians have given it thorough, independent scrutiny. Bose's research
has taken her from the archives to interviews with elderly peasants in
Bangladesh and retired army officers in Pakistan. Her findings are
- Ian Jack, The Guardian
emerges only slowly from the passion-filled context of contemporary
events. Sarmila Bose's book sets Bangladesh's liberation struggle at the
start of this long passage.'
- Professor David Washbrook, Trinity College, Cambridge
'Finally we have a book that investigates the conflicts of 1971 using facts and testimonies from all sides.
Some may
find this search for the truth controversial, but the official
histories, full of absurd exaggerations and one-sided claims, are the
ones that truly demean the sacrifices of 1971... The painful task of
recognizing historical evidence has surely begun.'
- Mushtaq H. Khan, Professor of Economics, SOAS
and poignant ... this is history as told by participants at the grass
roots and it dispels many myths that have been fed by faulty memories of
the so-called elites in Pakistan and Bangladesh. Dead Reckoning should
help the people of both countries accept the facts of that tragic and
bloody separation of 1971 and take responsibility for the war that
stained the verdant Bengali countryside red.'
- Shuja Nawaz, author of Crossed Swords: Pakistan, Its Army, and the Wars Within --
Product Description
This ground-breaking
book chronicles and analyzes the 1971 war in South Asia by
reconstituting the memories of those on opposing sides of the conflict.
1971 was marked by a bitter civil war within Pakistan and war between
India and Pakistan, backed respectively by the Soviet Union and the
United States. It was fought over the territory of East Pakistan, which
seceded to become Bangladesh. Through a detailed investigation of events
on the ground, Sarmila Bose contextualises and humanizes the war while
analysing what the events revealed about the nature of the conflict
itself. The story of 1971 has so far been dominated by the narrative of the victorious side.
parties to the war are still largely imprisoned by wartime partisan
mythologies. Bose reconstructs events using extensive interviews
conducted in Bangladesh and Pakistan, published and unpublished
reminiscences in Bengali and English of participants on all sides,
official documents, foreign media reports and other sources. The
chronicling of events through a multiplicity of memories reveals what
had been previously unknown or poorly recorded. Moreover, 'contesting'
memories reveal a reality diverging from the dominant narrative in
crucial ways. It challenges assumptions about the nature of the
conflict, and exposes the ways in which the 1971 conflict is still
playing out in the region. --This text refers to an out of print or
unavailable edition of this title.
Customer Reviews
By Human
Most of Bangladesh war history has been written in a patriotic narrative which completely ignores the excesses committed by other sides. This war was fought between four sides, on one side were the Indian Army and the Bengali militants (terrorists) and on the other side were Pakistan Army and the nationalists comprising of Bengalis, Biharis and the west Pakistanis. Like any war, excesses were done on both sides. This book gives an impartial view on the excesses. The only thing missing in this book are the details of terrorism excercised by Indian army as a war tactic in their covert operations. As a witness to this war, I find this book fair and recommend it to all who want to get a balanced view of this historic event.
March 19, 2006
The truth about the Jessore massacre
| ||||
The massacre may have been genocide, but it wasn’t committed by the Pakistan army. The dead men were non-Bengali residents of Jessore, butchered in broad daylight by Bengali nationalists, reports Sarmila Bose |
The bodies lie strewn on the
ground. All are adult men, in civilian clothes. A uniformed man with a
rifle slung on his back is seen on the right. A smattering of onlookers
stand around, a few appear to be working, perhaps to remove the bodies. The
caption of the photo is just as grim as its content: ‘April 2, 1971:
Genocide by the Pakistan Occupation Force at Jessore.’ It is in a book
printed by Bangladeshis trying to commemorate the victims of their
liberation war.
is a familiar scene. There are many grisly photographs of dead bodies
from 1971, published in books, newspapers and websites. Reading
another book on the 1971 war, there was that photograph again ? taken
from a slightly different angle, but the bodies and the scene of the
massacre were the same. But wait a minute! The caption here reads: ‘The
bodies of businessmen murdered by rebels in Jessore city.’
The alternative caption is in The East Pakistan Tragedy, by L.F. Rushbrook Williams,
written in 1971 before the independence of Bangladesh. Rushbrook
Williams is strongly in favour of the Pakistan government and highly
critical of the Awami League. However, he was a fellow of All Souls
College, Oxford, had served in academia and government in India, and
with the BBC and The Times. There was no reason to think he would willfully mislabel a photo of a massacre.
so, in a bitter war where so many bodies had remained unclaimed, here
is a set of murdered men whose bodies are claimed by both sides of the
conflict! Who were these men? And who killed them? It
turns out that the massacre in Jessore may have been genocide, but it
wasn’t committed by the Pakistan army. The dead men were non-Bengali
residents of Jessore, butchered in broad daylight by Bengali
is but one incident, but illustrative of the emerging reality that the
conflict in 1971 in East Pakistan was a lot messier than most have been
led to believe. Pakistan’s military regime did try to crush the Bengali
rebellion by force, and many Bengalis did die for the cause of
Bangladesh’s independence. Yet, not every allegation hurled against the Pakistan army was true, while many crimes committed in the name of Bengali nationalism remain concealed. Once one took a second look, some of the Jessore bodies are dressed in salwar kameez? an indication that they were either West Pakistanis or ‘Biharis’, the non-Bengali East Pakistanis who had migrated from northern India.
accounts from the involved parties Pakistan, Bangladesh and India tend
to be highly partisan, it was best to search for foreign eye witnesses,
if any. My search took me to newspaper archives from 35 years ago. The New York Times carried
the photo on April 3, 1971, captioned: ‘East Pakistani civilians, said
to have been slain by government soldiers, lie in Jessore square before
burial.’ The Washington Post carried it too, right under its
masthead: ‘The bodies of civilians who East Pakistani sources said were
massacred by the Pakistani army lie in the streets of Jessore.’ “East
Pakistani sources said”, and without further investigation, these august
newspapers printed the photo.
In fact, if the Americans had read The Times of London of April 2 and Sunday Times of
April 4 or talked to their British colleagues, they would have had a
better idea of what was happening in Jessore. In a front-page lead
article on April 2 entitled ‘Mass Slaughter of Punjabis in East
Bengal,’ The Times war correspondent Nicholas Tomalin wrote an eye-witness account of how he and a team from the BBC programme Panorama saw
Bengali troops and civilians march 11 Punjabi civilians to the market
place in Jessore where they were then massacred. “Before we were forced
to leave by threatening supporters of Shaikh Mujib,” wrote Tomalin, “we
saw another 40 Punjabi “spies” being taken towards the killing ground?”
Tomalin followed up on April 4 in Sunday Times with
a detailed description of the “mid-day murder” of Punjabis by Bengalis,
along with two photos ? one of the Punjabi civilians with their hands
bound at the Jessore headquarters of the East Pakistan Rifles (a Bengal
formation which had mutinied and was fighting on the side of the
rebels), and another of their dead bodies lying in the square. He wrote
how the Bengali perpetrators tried to deceive them and threatened them,
forcing them to leave. As other accounts also testify, the Bengali
“irregulars” were the only ones in central Jessore that day, as the
Pakistan government forces had retired to their cantonment.
the military action had started in Dhaka on March 25 night, most of
East Pakistan was still out of the government’s control. Like many other
places, “local followers of Sheikh Mujib were in control” in Jessore at
that time. Many foreign media reported the killings and
counter-killings unleashed by the bloody civil war, in which the army
tried to crush the Bengali rebels and Bengali nationalists murdered
non-Bengali civilians.
records the local Bengalis’ claim that the government soldiers had been
shooting earlier and he was shown other bodies of people allegedly
killed by army firing. But the massacre of the Punjabi civilians by
Bengalis was an event he witnessed himself. Tomalin was killed while
covering the Yom Kippur war of 1973, but his eye-witness accounts solve
the mystery of the bodies of Jessore.
were, of course, genuine Bengali civilian victims of the Pakistan army
during 1971. Chandhan Sur and his infant son were killed on March 26
along with a dozen other men in Shankharipara, a Hindu area in Dhaka.
The surviving members of the Sur family and other residents of
Shankharipara recounted to me the dreadful events of that day. Amar, the
elder son of the dead man, gave me a photo of his father and brother’s
bodies, which he said he had come upon at a Calcutta studio while a
refugee in India. The photo shows a man’s body lying on his back, clad
in a lungi, with the infant near his feet.
Sur’s anguish about the death of his father and brother (he lost a
sister in another shooting incident) at the hands of the Pakistan army
is matched by his bitterness about their plight in independent
Bangladesh. They may be the children of a ‘shaheed,’ but their home was
declared ‘vested property’ by the Bangladesh government, he said, in
spite of documents showing that it belonged to his father. Even the
Awami League ? support for whom had cost this Hindu locality so many
lives in 1971 ? did nothing to redress this when they formed the
In the book 1971: documents on crimes against humanity committed by Pakistan army and their agents in Bangladesh during 1971,
published by the Liberation War Museum, Dhaka, I came across the same
photo of the Sur father and son’s dead bodies. It is printed twice, one a
close-up of the child only, with the caption: ‘Innocent women were
raped and then killed along with their children by the barbarous
Pakistan Army’. Foreigners might just have mistaken the ‘lungi’ worn by
Sur for a ‘saree’, but surely Bangladeshis can tell a man in a ‘lungi’
when they see one! And why present the same ‘body’ twice?
contradictory claims on the photos of the dead of 1971 reveal in part
the difficulty of recording a messy war, but also illustrate vividly
what happens when political motives corrupt the cause of justice and
humanity. The political need to spin a neat story of Pakistani attackers
and Bengali victims made the Bengali perpetrators of the massacre of
Punjabi civilians in Jessore conceal their crime and blame the army. The New York Times and The Washington Post “bought” that story too. The media’s reputation is salvaged in this case by the even-handed eye-witness reports of Tomalin in The Times and Sunday Times.
for the hapless Chandhan Sur and his infant son, the political
temptation to smear the enemy to the maximum by accusing him of raping
and killing women led to Bangladeshi nationalists denying their own
martyrs their rightful recognition. In both cases, the true victims
?Punjabis and Bengalis, Hindus and Muslims ? were cast aside, their
suffering hijacked, by political motivations of others that victimised
them a second time around.
India lied about 1971: Sarmila Bose
Truth is finally coming out–this time from an unexpected quarter. Truth is being enunciated by Sarmila Bose a citizen of Bharat.
20,000 Pakistani Soldiers Could Not Have Raped 400,000 Women – Sharmila Bose
12 November 2010
Netaji Shuvash Chandra Bose
Sarmila Bose is the niece of the famous Bharati leader Netaji Shuvash
Chandra Bose. Mrs. Bose is married to Alan Rosling, a British man. He is
the Executive Director of Tata, one of India. Sharmila Bose is also the
sister of the Indian scholar Sugata Bose who with his partner, the
Pakistani scholar, Ayesha Jalal teaches at Tufts University in Boston.
Both are well-known academics in the US circuit.
Sharmila Bose in her paper entitled “Losing the Victims: Problems of
Using Women as Weapons in Recounting the Bangladesh War” paints a
picture of the Pakistani military as a disciplined force that spared
women and children. She writes:
During my field research on several incidents in East Pakistan during 1971, Bangladeshi participants and eyewitnesses described battles, raids, massacres and executions, but told me that women were not harmed by the army in these events except by chance such as in crossfire. The pattern that emerged from these incidents was that the Pakistan army targeted adult males while sparing women and children.
also quotes the passage from the Hamoodur Rahman Commission Report that
I cited above to support her assertion that so many rapes could not
have occurred. 20,000-34,000 could not have raped 200,000 to 400,000
women in the space of nine months.
She states in the introduction:
That rape occurred in East Pakistan in 1971 has never been in any doubt. The question is what was the true extent of rape, who were the victims and who the perpetrators and was there any systematic policy of rape by any party, as opposed to opportunistic sexual crimes in times of war.
To try to bolster her argument that the Pakistani forces in Bangladesh could not have raped so many women, she claims:
The number of West Pakistani armed forces personnel in East Pakistan was about 20,000 at the beginning of the conflict, rising to 34,000 by December. Another 11,000 men — civil police and non-combat personnel — also held arms. For an army of 34,000 to rape on this scale in eight or nine months (while fighting insurgency, guerrilla war and an invasion by India), each would-be perpetrator would have had to commit rape at an incredible rate.
are numerous reports out there now which negates the well established
beliefs. The declassified US reports, Indian military officers account,
Pakistan military officers account, General Niazi’s memoirs, Sharmila
Bose, Hamoodurahman commission report. Pakistan
Military officers fought hard. Many foreign correspondents speak well
of their bravery. It is the bravery of a Muslim soldier that Indian
Military got tough fight. These Pakistani soldiers fought so hard that
they had almost regained the control of East Pakistan from the dirty
hands of Mukt-Bahini. When India saw this, it started the military
action which resulted in the fall of Dhaka.
Mujib showed his true colors after the formation of Bangladesh with his
BAKSAL party. How he became authoritative and usurped democracy is not a
secret anymore. He was going to make Bangladesh part of India that he
was killed timely by the Pakistani military officers (yes those Bengalis
who never gave up allegiance to Pakistan. I stand in honor for them).
2) Read “RAW in Bangladesh by ZainulAbidin (an ex-Mukti Bahini member) on 1971 war.
3) Read Blood and tears by a Pakistani writer about 1971 war.
4) Check the website of Federation of American Scientist on 1971 war
5) Read “East Pakistan Tragedy” by L.F. Rushbrook Williams.
Sarmila Bose: Myth-busting the Bangladesh war of 1971 (rejecting the Indian narrative)
May 10, 2011
An author discusses her new book about the historical narratives of the 1971 civil war that broke up East Pakistan.
fighters of the Mukti Bahini prepare to bayonet men who collaborated
with the Pakistani army during East Pakistan's fight to become the
independent state of Bangladesh [GALLO/GETTY]
Last month, Al Jazeera published an article titled Book, film greeted with fury among Bengalis. Here, Sarmila Bose, author of Dead Reckoning: Memories of the 1971 Bangladesh War, responds to the criticism levelled at her work.
all the excitement about the "Arab spring" it is instructive to
remember the 1971 war in South Asia. Then too there was a military
regime in Pakistan, easily identified as the "baddies" - and a popular
uprising in its rebellious Eastern province, where Bengali nationalists
were reported to be peacefully seeking freedom, democracy and human
rights. When the
regime used military force to crush the rebellion in East Pakistan,
India intervened like a knight to the rescue, resulting in the defeat of
the bad guys, victory for the good guys and the independence of
Bangladesh... Or so the story went for forty years. I grew up with it in
Calcutta. It was widely repeated in the international press.
years ago I decided to chronicle a number of incidents of the 1971 war
in-depth. I observed that many Bangladeshis were aggrieved that the
world seemed to have forgotten the terrible trauma of the birth of their
nation. Given the scale of the suffering, that lack of memory certainly
appeared to be unfair, but there did not seem to be many detailed
studies of the war - without which the world could not be expected to
remember, or understand, what had happened in 1971.
aim was to record as much as possible of what seemed to be a
much-commented-on but poorly documented conflict - and to humanise it,
so that the war could be depicted in terms of the people who were caught
up in it, and not just faceless statistics. I hoped that the detailed
documentation of what happened at the human level on the ground would
help to shed some light on the conflict as a whole.
principal tool of my study was memories. I read all available memoirs
and reminiscences, in both English and Bengali. But I also embarked on
extensive fieldwork, finding and talking to people who were present at
many particular incidents, whether as participants, victims or
eye-witnesses. Crucially, I wanted to hear the stories from multiple
sources, including people on different sides of the war, so as to get as
balanced and well-rounded a reconstruction as possible.
soon as I started to do systematic research on the 1971 war, I found
that there was a problem with the story which I had grown up believing:
from the evidence that emanated from the memories of all sides at the
ground level, significant parts of the "dominant narrative" seem not to
have been true. Many "facts" had been exaggerated, fabricated, distorted
or concealed. Many people in responsible positions had repeated
unsupported assertions without a thought; some people seemed to know
that the nationalist mythologies were false and yet had done nothing to
inform the public. I had thought I would be chronicling the details of
the story of 1971 with which I had been brought up, but I found instead
that there was a different story to be told.
Product of research
My book Dead
Reckoning: Memories of the 1971 Bangladesh War, the product of several
years of fieldwork based research, has just been published (Hurst and
Co. and Columbia University Press). It focuses on the bitter fratricidal
war within the province of East Pakistan over a period of a little more
than a year, rather than the open "hot" war between India and Pakistan
towards the end. It brings together, for the first time, the memories of
dozens of people from each side of the conflict who were present in
East Pakistan during the war. It lets the available evidence tell the
stories. It has been described as a work that "will set anew the terms
of debate" about this war.
before anyone has had the chance to read it, Dead Reckoning has been
attracting comment, some of it of a nature that according to an observer
would make the very reception of my book a subject of "taboo studies".
"Myth-busting" works that undermine nationalist mythology, especially
those that have gone unchallenged for several decades, are clearly not
to be undertaken by the faint-hearted. The book has received gratifying
praise from scholars and journalists who read the advance copies, but
the word "courageous" cropped up with ominous frequency in many of the
scholars praised my work in private; others told me to prepare for the
flak that was bound to follow. One "myth-busting" scholar was glad my
book was out at last, as I would now sweep up at the unpopularity stakes
and she would get some respite after enduring several years of abuse. Scholars
and investigative journalists have an important role in "busting"
politically partisan narratives. And yet, far too often we all fall for
the seductive appeal of a simplistic "good versus evil" story, or fail
to challenge victors' histories.
far the story of valiant rebels fighting oppressive dictators in the
so-called "Arab spring" has had one significant blemish - the vicious
sexual attack and attempted murder of CBS foreign correspondent Lara
Logan by dozens of men celebrating the downfall of Hosni Mubarak in
Tahrir Square in Cairo. It initially vanished from the headlines and has
still not led to the kind of questioning of the representation of such
conflicts that it should have generated. "Tahrir Square" became
shorthand for freedom and democracy-loving people rising up against
oppressive dictators.
in other countries started to say they wanted their own "Tahrir
Square". Logan has given a brave and graphic account of what happened to
her at the hands of those supposedly celebrating the fall of a dictator
and the coming of freedom, democracy and human rights. Her life was
saved by burqa-clad Egyptian women and she was rescued by soldiers. Her
account endows "Tahrir Square" with an entirely different meaning.
should caution us against assuming that all those opposing an
oppressive regime are champions of non-violence, democracy or human
rights. It should alert us to the complexities of political power
struggles and civil war, and stop getting carried away by what we
imagine is happening, or would like to happen, rather than what the
evidence supports.
was the impact of the 1971 war on South Asians that the year has
transformed into a shorthand for its particular symbolism: 1971, or
ekattor, the number 71 in Bengali, has come to stand for a simple
equation of a popular nationalist uprising presumed to embody liberal
democratic values battling brutal repression by a military dictatorship.
But was it really as simple as that? Over time, the victorious
Bangladeshi nationalist side's narrative of Pakistani villainy and
Bengali victimhood became entrenched through unquestioned repetition.
losing side of Pakistani nationalists had its own myth-making,
comprising vast Indian plots. Pakistan had been carved out of the
British Empire in India as a homeland for South Asia's Muslims. It was a
problematic idea from the start - a large proportion of Muslims chose
to remain in secular and pluralistic India, for instance, and its two
parts, West Pakistan and East Pakistan, were separated by a thousand
miles of a hostile India. In 1971 the idea of Islam as the basis of
nationhood came apart in South Asia along with the country of Pakistan,
after a mere 23 years of existence. What went wrong? And what do the
memories of those who were there reveal about the reality of that war?
publication of Dead Reckoning has spoiled the day for those who had
been peddling their respective nationalist mythologies undisturbed for
so long. Careers have been built - in politics, media, academia and
development - on a particular telling of the 1971 war. All the warring
parties of 1971 remain relentlessly partisan in recounting the conflict.
As the dominant narrative, which has gained currency around the world,
is that of the victorious Bangladeshi nationalists and their Indian
allies, they stand to lose the most in any unbiased appraisal.
Unsurprisingly therefore, the protests from this section are the
Mixed reaction
The reaction to the
publication of Dead Reckoning by those who feel threatened by it has
followed a predictable path. First, there has been an attempt to damn
the book before it was even available. Apart from random rants on the
internet - which provides opportunity for anyone to rail against
anything - reports have been written by people who haven't read the
book, citing other people who also haven't read the book. The reason for
this may be summed up as the well-founded fear of "knowledge is power".
people read the book they will be far better informed as to what really
happened in 1971. Hence the desperate attempt by those who have been
spinning their particular yarns for so long to try to smear the book
before anyone gets the chance to read it. A few people also seem to be
trying to laud the book before reading it, an equally meaningless
exercise. These commentaries are easy to dismiss: clearly, those who
haven't read the book have nothing of value to say about it.
detractors of the book claim that it exonerates the military from
atrocities committed in East Pakistan in 1971. In reality the book
details over several chapters many cases of atrocities committed by the
regime's forces, so anyone who says it excuses the military's
brutalities is clearly lying. The question is - why are they lying about
something that will easily be found out as soon as people start reading
the book? The answer to this question is more complex than it might
seem. Of course the detractors hope that by making such claims they will
stop people from reading the book.
of the answer lies also in that the book corrects some of the absurd
exaggerations about the army's actions with which Bangladeshi
nationalists had happily embellished their stories of "villainous"
Pakistanis for all these years. But an important reason for falsely
claiming that the book exonerates the military is to distract attention
from the fact that it also chronicles the brutalities by their own side,
committed in the name of Bengali nationalism. The nature and scale of
atrocities committed by the "nationalist" side had been edited out of
the dominant narrative. Its discovery spoils the "villains versus
innocents" spin of Bangladeshi nationalist mythology.
key question about the "controversy" over Dead Reckoning is why this
book is stirring such passions when other works do not. One reason for
this is that there are precious few studies of the 1971 war based on
dispassionate research. This is the first book-length study that
reconstructs the violence of the war at the ground-level, utilising
multiple memories from all sides of the conflict.
eminent US historians, Richard Sisson and Leo Rose, published the only
research-based study of the war at the diplomatic and policy level
twenty years ago. Their excellent book, War and Secession: Pakistan,
India and the Creation of Bangladesh (University of California Press,
1990), challenged the dominant narrative, but their work does not seem
to be known among the general public as much as within academia.
a crucial reason for the special impact of Dead Reckoning has to do
with who the author is. I am a Bengali, from a nationalist family in
India. As Indians and Bengalis our sympathies had been firmly with the
liberation struggle in Bangladesh in 1971. The dominant narrative of the
1971 war is the story as told by "my side", as it were. My reporting of
what I actually found through my research, rather than unquestioningly
repeating the partisan narrative or continuing the conspiracy of silence
over uncomfortable truths, is thus taken as a "betrayal" by those who
have profited for so long from mythologising the history of 1971.
is important to note that not all South Asians subscribe to the
myth-making. One eminent Indian journalist thought that my "courage,
disregard for orthodoxy and meticulous research" in writing Dead
Reckoning made me "the enfant terrible of Indian historians". A senior
Bangladeshi scholar has found it "fitting that someone with Sarmila's
links with Bengali nationalism should demonstrate that political values
cannot be furthered by distorting history."
Asians are prone to conjuring up all manner of conspiracy theories when
faced with unpleasant realities, but those looking for one for Dead
Reckoning are at a loss, as the only explanation for what it contains is
that it reconstructs what really happened on the basis of available
evidence. The
process of dismantling entrenched nationalist mythologies can be painful
for those who have much vested in them, but the passions stirred by the
publication of Dead Reckoning has sparked the debate that the 1971 war
badly needed - and set on the right course the discussion of this bitter
and brutal fratricidal war that split the only homeland created for
Muslims in the modern world.
Bose is Senior Research Fellow in the Politics of South Asia at the
University of Oxford. She was a journalist in India for many years. She
earned her degrees at Bryn Mawr College (History) and Harvard University
(MPA and PhD in Political Economy and Government.)
Dead Reckoning: Memories of the 1971 Bangladesh War is published by C. Hurst and Co. and Columbia University Press.
Sarmila Bose launches her `Dead Reckoning: Memories of 1971 Bangladesh War’
Anwar Hossain Manju
Mar 16, 2011
Washington DC
reputed and respected scholar Sharmila Bose, educated at Harvard
University and currectly Senior Research Fellow at Oxford University,
was honorably hosted as the main speaker by the prestigious Wodroow
Wilson International Center for Scholars located just about a couple of
blocks away from the White House in Washington DC. The seminar was
organized to introduce her new book `Dead Reckoning: Memories of 1971
Bangladesh War’.
is a senior research fellow at the Department of Politics and
International Relations at Oxford University. Her principal interest
lies in the politics and policies of South Asia, and her current work
addresses the practice of democracy in India and conflict and governance
in the tribal areas of India and Pakistan. Bose was the inaugural
director of the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism in
Oxford’s Department of Politics and International Relations from 2006 to
2008. Previously she taught and held research positions at Harvard,
George Washington University, University of Warwick and the Tata
Institute of Social Sciences. Dr Bose had also served as a journalist
with posts as assistant editor and senior political writer with the
Ananda Bazar Patrika Group of newspapers in India.
to A. Dirk Moses of the European University Institute, distinguished
scholar Sharmila Bose’s book `Dead Reckoning’ is at once a correction of
the record and a tribute to the virtues of humanistic scholarships
written with courage and sharing honesty, it will set anew the terms of
debate about this dark chapter in the region’s history.
Cohen, the author of `The Idea of Pakistan’, who was also present at
the program says on record ~Combining rigorous scholarships and a
passionate interest in setting the record straight, `Dead Reckoning’ is
the finest study yet of the social, cultural and political meaning of
the 1971 East Pakistan/Bangladesh war. Bose writes in the service of the
truth. We are in her debt.”
the distinguished participants in the discussion were Ambassador
William B Milam (in Dhaka), Senior Policy Scholar at Woodrow Wilson
Center in Washington DC, Stephen Cohen, a renowned scholar at Brookings
Institute, Dr Mohammaed Quashem, Professor at Howard University in
Washington DC, Dr Khandaker Mansur, Senior Officer at the Census Bureau
of US Federal Government
Jersy resident Dr Nurunnabi raised his unsubstantiated viewpoint of
killing of 3 million people and raping 2,00,000 women by Pakistani
soldiers during the 1971 war. These numbers were rejected by Sharmila
Bose as wild imagination.
The program was attended by many
well known Awami League activists, who patiently listened to her
presentation without causing any disruption.
from Bangla service of Voice of America, Bangladesh Embassy and
correspondents of Bangla newspapers were present. Arnold
Zeitlin, who moderated the program was AP Bureau Chief in Pakistan in
1971, is currently Managing Director of Editorial Research and Reporting
Associates, a Varginia based media consulting firm. He is also a
visiting professor at Guangdong University in China. He was the director
of Asian Center of the Freedom Forum in Hong Kong.
New impartial evidence debunks 1971 rape allegations against Pakistan Army
EDITORIAL: July 02, 2005
New impartial evidence debunks 1971 rape allegations against Pakistan Army
A study of the 1971
conflict by an Indian academic, Prof Sarmila Bose, says the Pakistan
army personnel did not rape Bengali women as has been widely alleged by
Indian and Bangladeshi writers. While Prof Bose’s study focuses on
certain specific cases, the finding is very interesting, based as it is
on extensive interviews with eyewitnesses. The study also determines the
pattern of conflict as three-layered: West Pakistan versus East
Pakistan, East Pakistanis (pro-Independence) versus East Pakistanis
(pro-Union) and the fateful war between India and Pakistan.
Prof Bose has noted, no prior study of the conflict has been done. What
we have are narratives that strengthen one point of view by rubbishing
contending viewpoints. The Bangladeshi meta-narrative, for instance,
focuses on the rape issue and uses that not only to demonise the
Pakistan army but also exploit it as a symbol of why it was important to
break away from (West) Pakistan. Indeed, the sheer number of
Bangladeshi women raped is placed in the millions, a fact to which the
Hamoodur Rehman Commission Report also referred and declared as absurd.
Even so, over the years the charge of rape has stuck to the Pakistan
army and weighed it down in moral terms. Prof Bose, a Bengali herself
and belonging to the family of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, has done a
remarkable job of investigating the charge and paving the way for
independent scholars to probe the issue further.
Bose, who unveiled her study at a US State Department conference
convened to mark the release of declassified US government documents
from that period, also spoke about the violence generated by all sides.
“The civil war of 1971 was fought between those who believed they were
fighting for a united Pakistan and those who believed their chance for
justice and progress lay in an independent Bangladesh. Both were
legitimate political positions. All parties in this conflict embraced
violence as a means to the end, all committed acts of brutality outside
accepted norms of warfare, and all had their share of humanity. These
attributes make the 1971 conflict particularly suitable for efforts
towards reconciliation, rather than recrimination,” says Prof Bose.
goes to Prof Bose’s credit that while studying the conflict she
retained her professionalism and integrity, two essential traits
normally absent in studies done of that period by all sides. Under the
circumstances, if she wants to explore the issue further the Pakistan
army should not hesitate to give her access to raw material in its
archives so that she can expand her work. Indeed, here’s the Pakistan
army’s chance to wash this stigma off it once and for all. We are
reasonably sure that elements within Bangladesh — and even India — will
criticise Bose’s study because it goes against the grain of Bangladeshi
nationalism. But this will not take away from its impartialness and
Sarmila Bose
Sarmila Bose (born July 4, 1959, Boston, Massachusetts) is the Director of the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at Oxford University in 2006.
is controversial for her writing on the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War,
suggesting that the casualties and rape allegations in the Bangladesh
Liberation War were greatly exaggerated for political purposes. Her
views have been criticized strongly in Bangladesh and India.
She had her schooling in Modern High School, Kolkata; she received her A.B. from Bryn Mawr College and masters and PhD from Harvard University in political economy.
Her parents were Sisir Kumar Bose, a pediatrician and Krishna Bose, professor of English, writer and politician. Her paternal grandfather Sarat Chandra Bose was a barrister and a nationalist leader of distinction. Her mother's two uncles were Nirad Chaudhuri, the writer and critic and K. C. Chaudhuri, the pioneer pediatrician.
- ^ U.S Department of State South Asia in Crisis: United States Policy, 1961-1972 June 28-29, 2005, Loy Henderson Auditorium, Tentative Program
- ^ Anatomy of Violence: Analysis of Civil War in East Pakistan in 1971 by Sarmila Bose in the Economic and Political Weekly, October 8, 2005
- ^ In this website, we tried to collate information concerning this paper including Sarmila Bose’s original paper, relevant Bangla articles and rebuttals of Bose’s paper on the Drishtipat web site. Drishtipatis a non-profit, non-political expatriate Bangladeshi organization
- Anatomy of Violence by Sarmila Bose (old EPW link appears to be dead)
- Nayanika Mookerjee responds to Sarmila Bose in EPW
- Daily Star
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