Muslim Names for Kids
Muslim Baby Boys & Girls Names

For one thing, some people wonder if a Muslim name must be an Arabic name (it doesn't have to be).
Secondly, converts sometimes wonder if they have to change their names, and they also have difficulty sometimes choosing a baby name, partly because they may not understand the meanings of Arabic names, and of course they may not have all the Muslim relatives to name their babies after like some Muslims do.
Another issue is that some cultures have the practice of giving a child two or more given names, which would not be appropriate according to the Islamic naming system. In Islam, the child is given one name, then the second name is the father's name or family name, and the third name is the grandfather's name or family name. (I won't get into Kunyas and geographical attributions - you can read some of the articles below for details on those).
In reality it's simple. A Muslim name should have a good meaning. It should not have a negative connotation, and should not relate to a false deity or an un-Islamic practice. It does not have to be an Arabic name, but in practice many Islamic names are Arabic because of their sources. For example, the Quran is a wonderful source for good names, as are the names of all the Prophets, the names of the Sahabah, and the names of Allah (with "Abd" in front).
Names for Muslim Boys
Abdul-Aleem | Servant of the Omniscient | Abdul-Aalee | Servant of the Most High |
Abdul Azeem | Servant of the Mighty | Abdul-Azeez | Servant of the Mighty, the Powerful |
Abdul-Baari | Servant of the Creator | Abdul-Baasit | Servant of the Extender, Creator |
Abdul-Fataah | Servant of the Opener (of the gates of sustenance) | Abdul-Jabaar | Servant of the Mighty |
Abdul-Ghafaar | Servant of the Forgiver | Abdul-Ghafoor | Servant of the Forgiver |
Abdul-Haady | Servant of the Guide | Abdul-Haafiz | Servant of the Protector |
Abdul-Haq | Servant of the Truth | Abdul-Hakam | Servant of the Arbitrator |
Abdul-Hakeem | Servant of the Wise | Abdul-Haleem | Servant of the Mild, Patient |
Abdul-Hameed | Servant of the Praiseworthy, the Ever-Praised | Abdul-Haseeb | Servant of the Respected, Esteemed |
Abdul-Jaleel | Servant of the Great, Revered | Abdul-Qaadir | Servant of the Capable |
Abdul-Kareem | Servant of the Noble, Generous | Abdul-Lateef | Servant of the Kind |
Abdul-Majeed | Servant of the Glorious | Abdul-Muiz | Servant of the Giver of Might and Glory |
Abdul-Mutaal | Servant of the Most High | Abdul-Mujeeb | Servant of the Responder |
Abdul-Mateen | Servant of the Firm, Strong | Abdul-Muhaimin | Servant of the Supervising, the Guardian, the Protector |
Abdul-Nasser | Servant of the Helper, Granting Victory | Abdul-Qudoos | Servant of the Most Holy |
Abdul-Qahaar | Servant of the Subduer, the Almighty | Abdul-Raafi' | Servant of the One Who Raises (intellect, esteem), Elevates |
Abdul-Raheem | Servant of the Most Compassionate | Abdul-Rahmaan | Servant of the Mercifully Gracious |
Abdul-Rasheed | Servant of the Rightly Guided | Abdul-Razaaq | Servant of the Maintainer, the Provider |
Abdul-Salaam | Servant of the Peace | Abdul-Raouf | Servant of the Most Merciful |
Abdul-Khaaliq | Servant of the Creator | Abdul-Saboor | Servant of the Patient |
Abdul-Samad | Servant of the Eternal | Abdul-Samee' | Servant of the All-Hearing |
Abdullah | Servant of God | Abdul-Shakoor | Servant of the Most Thankful |
Abdul-Tawaab | Servant of the Forgiver | Abdul-Wadood | Servant of the Loving |
Abdul-Waahid | Servant of the One | Abdul-Wahaab | Servant of the Giver |
Abaan | Old Arabic name | Abbas | Description of a lion |
Al Abbas | Description of a lion | Abedin | Worshippers |
Abed | Worshipper | Adnan | Proper name |
Adham | Black | Ashraf | More Honorable |
Aadil | Just | Afeef | Chaste, Modest |
Ahmad | Commendable, Praiseworthy | Akram | Most Generous |
Alaa | Nobility, Excellence | Alaa Udeen | Excellence of Religion |
Ali | Excellent, Noble | Ameen | Faithful, Trustworthy |
Ameer | Ruler, Prince | Amjad | More Glorious |
Aamir | Populous, Full, Prosperous | Ammar | The builder, constructor, one who prays and fasts a great deal |
Amr | Old Arabic name | Anas | A group of people (as opposed to other creatures) |
Anees | Close friend | Aarif | Acquainted, Knowledgable |
Awad | Reward, Compensation | Ayoob | A Prophet's name |
Ayman | Lucky, On the right | Aws | Name of a tree |
Azhar | The most shining, Luminous | Azzaam | Determined, Resolved |
Abu Bakr | The companion of Prophet Muhammad | Abul Khayr | One who does good |
Aasim | Protector | Asif | Forgivness |
Ataa | Gift | Arsh | Dominion , Crown |
Badr Udeen | Full moon of the Faith | Baha | Beautiful, Magnificent |
Baha Udeen | The magnificent of the Faith | Baahir | Dazzling, Brilliant |
Bahiy Udeen | The magnificent of the Faith | Bashaar | Bringer of glad tidings |
Basel | Brave | Basaam | Smiling |
Baasim | Smiling | Bilal | The Prophet's Muezzin(person who calls to prayer) |
Bishr | Joy | Burhaan | Proof |
Dawoud | A Prophet's name | Dhul Fiqaar | The name of the Prophet's Sword |
Diyaa Udeen | Brightness of the Faith | Fadi | Redeemer |
Fadl | Outstanding, Honorable | Fadl Ullah | The excellence of God |
Fahad | Lynx | Faisal | Decisive |
Faakhir | Proud, Excellent | Fakhry | Honorary |
Fareed | Unique | Faaris | Horseman, Knight |
Faarooq | He who distinguishes truth from falsehood | Fateen | Clever, Smart |
Fawaz | Successful | Fidaa | Redemption, Sacrifice |
Faris | Perspicacity | Fuad | Heart |
Ghaalib | Victor | Ghasaan | Old Arabic name |
Ghaazi | Conqueror | Ghiyaath | Succorer |
Haady | Guiding to the right | Haamid | Praising (God), Loving (God) |
Hamza | Lion | Haani | Happy, Delighted, Content |
Humam | Courageous and generous | Haarith | Plowman, Old Arabic name |
Haaroon | A Prophet's name | Hassan | Beautiful |
Haashim | Name of the Prophet's grandfather, Old Arabic name | Hassaan | Beautiful |
Haatim | Judge | Haytham | Young hawk |
Haashim | Generosity | Huthayfa | Old Arabic name |
Husaam | Sword | Husaam Udeen | The sword of the Faith |
Ihsaan | Beneficence | Hussein | Beautiful |
Houd | A Prophet's name | Ibraheem | A Prophet's name |
Idrees | A Prophet's name | Ikrimah | Female of a pigeon |
Imaad | Support, Pillar | Imaad Udeen | The pillar of the Faith |
Imraan | A Prophet's name | Irfaan | Thankfulness |
Iesa | A Prophet's name | Is-haaq | A Prophet's name |
Isaam | Safeguard | Ismaael | A Prophet's name |
Izz Udeen | Might of the Faith | Jaabir | Consoler, Comforter |
Jaafar | Rivulet | Jalaal | Glory of the Faith |
Jamaal | Beauty | Jamaal Udeen | Beauty of the Faith |
Jameel | Beautiful | Jihad | To Strive for |
Jawad | Openhanded, Generous | Kamal | Perfection |
Kaamil | Perfect | Kareem | Generous, Noble |
Khairy | Charitable, Beneficent | Khair Udeen | The good of the Faith |
Khaldoon | Old Arabic name | Khalid | Eternal |
Khaleel | Friend | Khuzaymah | Old Arabic name |
Labeeb | Sensible, Intelligent | Luqmaan | A Prophet's name |
Lutfi | Kind and friendly | Lu'ay | Proper name |
Ma'n | Benefit | Ma'd | An old Arabian tribe's name |
Mahdy | Guided to the right path | Maahir | Skilled |
Mahmoud | Praised | Makeen | Strong, Firm |
Majd | Glory | Majd Udeen | The glory of the Faith |
Majdy | Glorious | Mamdouh | One who is commended, Praised, Glorified |
Mamnoon | Trustworthy | Mansour | Aided (by God), Victorious |
Marwan | Old Arabic name | Marzouq | Blessed (by God), Fortunate |
Masoud | Happy, Lucky | Maysarah | Ease, Comfort |
Maazin | Proper name | Misbaah | Lamp |
Muaath | Protected | Ma'awiya | A young dog or fox (First Umayyad Khalifah) |
Muayid | Supported | Muhammad | Praised |
Muhannad | Sword | Mufeed | Useful |
Muhsin | Beneficent, Charitable | Muhtady | Rightly guided |
Mujaahid | Fighter (in the way of Allah) | Mukhtaar | Chosen |
Munthir | Warner, Cautioner | Muneer | Brilliant, Shining |
Muntasir | Victorious | Murtadhy | Satisfied, Content |
Moosa | A Prophet's name | Musad | Unfettered camel |
Muslim | Submitting himself to God | Mustafa | Chosen (One of the Prophet Muhammad's names) |
Mutasim | Adhering (to Faith, to God) | Mutazz | Proud, Mighty |
Mutaa | Obeyed | Mutee | Obedient |
Muwafaq | Successful | Nabhan | Noble, Outstanding |
Nabeeh | Noble, Outstanding | Nabeel | Noble |
Natheer | Warner | Nadeem | Friend |
Naadir | Dear, Rare | Naeem | Comfort, Ease, Tranquil |
Najeeb | Of noble descent | Naajy | Safe |
Najm Udeen | The star of the Faith | Naa'il | Acquirer, Earner |
Naasih | Advisor | Naseem | Fresh air |
Nasser Udeen | Protector of the Faith | Nawfal | Generous, Old Arabic name for the sea |
Nazeeh | Pure, Chaste | Naathim | Arranger, Adjuster |
Nooh | A Prophet's name | Nu'man | (Blood) Old Arabic name |
Noori | Shining | Noor Udeen | Brightness of the Faith |
Omar | Life, long living | Omran | Solid structure |
Omeir | Long living | Ossama | One of the names of the lion. |
Qasim | Divider | Qatadah | A hardwood tree |
Qays | Firm | Qudamah | Courage |
Qutaybah | Irritable, Impatient | Rabah | Gainer |
Rabee' | Spring | Rafee' | Kind friend |
Ragheb | Desirous | Ra'ed | Leader |
Rajab | The seventh month of the Muslim year | Raakin | Respectful |
Raamiz | Symbol | Rashad | Integrity of conduct |
Rashid | Rightly guided, Having the true Faith | Raatib | Arranger |
Ridha | Contentment | Ridhwan | Acceptance, Good will, Name of the keeper of the Gates of Heaven |
Riyadh | Gardens | Sabeeh | Beautiful |
Saabir | Patient | Safiy | Best friend |
Safwan | Old Arabic name (rocks) | Saahir | Wakeful |
Saad | Good luck | Saeed | Happy, Rivulet |
Saajid | One who worships God | Salah | Righteousness |
Salah Udeen | The righteousness of the Faith | Saalih | Good, Righteous |
Salem | Safe | Saleem | Safe |
Salman | Safe | Sameer | Entertaining companion (man) |
Samir | Entertaining companion | Saariyah | Clouds at night |
Sayf Udeen | Sword of the Faith | Sayid | Master |
Shaady | Singer | Shafeeq | Compassionate, Tender |
Shareef | Distinguished, Noble | Shihab | Flame, Blaze |
Siraaj | Lamp, Light | Subhy | Early morning |
Suhayb | Of reddish hair or complexion | Suhail | Name of a star |
Sulayman | A Prophet's name | Suoud | Good luck |
Taahir | Chaste, Modest | Talal | Nice, Admirable |
Talha | Kind of tree | Tamam | Generous |
Taamir | One who knows dates | Tarfah | Kind of tree |
Tareef | Rare, Uncommon | Tariq | Name of a star |
Tawfeeq | Success, Reconciliation | Tayseer | Facilitation |
Taymullah | Servant of God | Thaabit | Firm |
Thaqib | Shooting Star | Ubaadah | Old Arabic name |
Ubaidah | Servant of God | Ubay | Old Arabic name |
Umar | Old Arabic name (Second Khalifah) | Umaarah | Old Arabic name |
Umair | Old Arabic name | Uqbah | The end of everything |
Usaamah | Description of a lion | Utbah | Old Arabic name |
Wadee' | Calm, Peaceful | Waahid | Single, Exclusively, Unequalled |
Wafeeq | Successful | Waa'il | Coming back (for shelter) |
Wajeeh | Noble | Waleed | Newborn child |
Waliyullah | Supporter of God | Waliyudeen | Supporter of the Faith |
Waseem | Graceful, Good looking | Yahyaa | A Prophet's name |
Yaman | Proper name | Yasaar | Ease, Wealth |
Yaaseen | One of the Prophet Muhammad's names | Yasir | Wealthy |
Yazeed | To increase, Grow, Enhance | Yoonus | A Prophet's name |
Yoosuf | A Prophet's name | Zaafir | Victorious |
Zaahid | Abstemious, Ascetic | Zakariya | A Prophet's name |
Zakiy | Pure | Zayd | Superabundance |
Ziyad | Superabundance | Zuhayr | Bright |
Zaahir | Bright, Shining |
Source :
Some people find the issue of naming a Muslim baby confusing.
For one thing, some people wonder if a Muslim name must be an Arabic name.
Secondly, converts sometimes wonder if they have to change their names, and they also have difficulty sometimes choosing a baby name, partly because they may not understand the meanings of Arabic names, and of course they probably don't have many Muslim relatives to name their babies after like some Muslims do.
Another issue is that some cultures have the practice of giving a child two or more given names, when in Islam we do not do that. The child is given one name, then the second name is the father's name or family name, and the third name is the grandfather's name or family name. (Kunyas and geographical attributions are another matter).
So let's keep it simple. A Muslim name should have a good meaning. It should not have a negative connotation, and should not relate to a false deity or an un-Islamic practice. It does not have to be an Arabic name, but in practice many Islamic names are Arabic because of their sources. For example, the Quran is a wonderful source for good names, as are the names of all the Prophets, the names of the Sahabah, and the names of Allah (with "Abd" in front).
We have some excellent articles on explaining the Islamic naming system:
Name | Meaning | Name | Meaning |
Abeer | Fragrance | Ablaa | Perfectly formed |
Aadab | Hope and need | Adeela | Equal |
Afaf | Chastity | Afraa | White |
Afrah | Happiness | Ahlam | Witty; one who has pleasent dreams;imaginative |
Ahd | Pledge; Knowledge | Aida | Visiting; Returning |
Aisha | Living; Prosperous; Wife of Prohet Muhammad | Aalia | Exalted; Highest social standing |
Alia | Exalted; Highest social standing | Almas | Diamond |
Aamaal | Hopes; Aspirations | Amal | Hope; Aspiration |
Amani | Wishes; Aspirations | Amatullah | Female servant of Allah |
Ameena | Trustworthy; Faithful | Ameera | Leader; Princess |
Anaan | Clouds | Anbar | Perfume; Ambergris |
Aneesa | Friendly; of good company | Anwaar | Rays of light |
Areebah | Witty and smart | Areej | Pleasent smell |
Aroob | (Woman) Loving to her husband | Arwa | Female mountain goat |
Asiya | One who tends to the weak and heals them | Asah | Plant known for its greeness |
Asalah | Purity | Aseelah | One belonging to a great heritage and family |
Asma | Daughter of Abu Bakr | Aasmaa | Excellent; Precious |
Ayeh | Sign; distinct | Azhaar | Flowers; Blossoms |
Azeeza | Esteemed; Precious; Cherished | Azza | Young female gazelle |
Badriya | Resembling full moon | Baheera | Dazzling; Brilliant |
Bahiyaa | Beautiful; Radiant | Balqis | The name of the Queen of Sheba |
Banan | Finger tips | Baraa'a | Excelling |
Baasima | Smiling | Baseema | Smiling |
Basheera | Bringer of good tidings | Basma | A smile |
Batool | Ascetic virgin | Bushra | Good omen |
Buthayna | Of beautiful and tender body | Dhuha | Forenoon |
Faiza | Victorious; Winner | Fadheela | Virtue |
Fadwa | Name derived from self-sacrifice | Falak | Star |
Fareeda | Unique | Fareeha | Happy; Joyful |
Firyal | Name | Fatima | Name of Prophet Muhammad's daughter (Literally: accustom) |
Faatin | Captivating | Faatina | Captivating |
Fawziya | Successful; Victorious | Firdoos | Paradise |
Ghaada | Beautiful | Ghaaliya | Fragrant |
Ghaydaa | Young and delicate | Ghusoon | Branches (tree) |
Haadiya | Guide to righteousness | Hadiya | Gift |
Hameeda | Praiseworthy | Hana | Happiness |
Hanan | Mercy | Haala | Aureole |
Haleema | Gentle; Patient | Haneefa | True believer |
Haniya | Pleased; Happy | Hasna | Beautiful |
Hayaam | Deliriously in love | Hayat | Life |
Haifa | Slender; of beautiful body | Hessa | Destiny |
Hind | Proper name | Huda | Right guidance |
Huma | A bird which lives in a quiet area and whenever it flies to the city it fills the people with joy | Hooriya | Angel |
Husn | Beauty | Ibtihaaj | Joy |
Ikraam | Honor; Hospitality; Generosity | Ilhaam | Intuition |
Iman | Faith; Belief | Imtithal | (Polite) Obedience |
Inaam | Act of kindness; Benefaction; Bestowal | Inas | Sociability |
Inaya | Concern; Solicitude | Intisaar | Triumph |
Izdihaar | Flourishing; Blossoming | Jala | Clarity; Elucidation |
Jameela | Beautiful | Janaan | Heart or soul |
Jumaana | Silver pearl | Kaamla | Perfect |
Kameela | Most perfect | Kareema | Generous; Noble |
Kawkab | Satellite | Kawthar | River in Paradise |
Khadeeja | Name of Prophet Muhammad's wife | Khalida | Immortal |
Khawlah | Proper name | Khairiya | Charitable; Good |
Khulood | Immortality | Kouther | River in Jennah (paradise) |
Kulthoom | Daughter of the prohet Mohammed peace be upon him | Lamees | Soft to the touch |
Lamya | Dark-lipped | Lateefa | Gentle; Kind |
Leena | Tender | Lubaaba | The innermost essence |
Lama | Darkness of lips | Madeeha | Praiseworthy |
Maha | Gazelle | Maisa | Walking with proud swinging gait |
Majida | Glorious | Majeeda | Glorious |
Makaarim | Of good and honorable character | Malak | Angel |
Manaar | Guiding light (lighthouse) | Maraam | Aspiration |
Maryam | Name of Mother of Jesus | Manaal | Attainment; Achievement |
Mawiya | Old Arabic name | May | Old Arabic name |
Maimoona | Auspicious; Blessed | Maysaa | To walk with a swinging gait |
Maysoon | Of beautiful face and body | Mayyada | To walk with a swinging gait |
Mufeeda | Useful | Muhja | Heart's blood; Soul |
Muna | Wish; Desire | Muneera | Illuminating; Shedding light |
Musheera | Giving counsel | Nabeeha | Intelligent |
Nabeela | Noble | Nada | Generosity; Dew |
Nadia | The begining, first | Nadira | Rare, Precious |
Nadeeda | Equal (to another person); Rival | Nadwa | Council |
Nafeesa | Precious thing | Naila | Acquirer; Obtainer |
Naeema | Living a soft, enjoyable life | Najaah | Success |
Najeeba | Of noble birth | Najiya | Safe |
Najat | Safety | Najwa | Confidential talk; Secret conversation |
Najla | Of wide eyes | Najya | Victorious |
Nashida | Student | Nashita | Energetic and full of life |
Nasiha | One who gives valuable advice | Nasira | Victorious, helper |
Nawal | Gift | Nawar | Flower |
Nazaaha | Purity; Righteousness;Honesty | Nazeeha | Honest |
Nazeeya | Optimistic and full of hope | Nazeera | Like; Equal; Matching |
Nibaal | Arrows | Naeema | Blessing; Loan |
Nesayem | Flower | Nida | Call |
Nimaat | Blessings; Loans | Nudhar | Gold |
Nuha | Intrelligence; Mind | Nahla | A drink (of water) |
Noor | Light | Nouf | Highest point on a mountain |
Nusayba | Proper name | Nuzha | Pleasure trip; Excursion spot |
Rabab | White cloud | Rabeea | Garden |
Radhiyaa | Content; Satisfied | Radhwa | Name of mountain in Medina |
Raghd | Pleasant | Raaida | Leader |
Raja | Hope | Rana | To gaze; Look |
Rafa | Happiness; Prosperity | Rand | Tree of good scent |
Raniya | Gazing | Rasha | Young gazelle |
Rasheeda | Wise; Mature | Rawdha | Garden |
Raawiya | Transmitter (of ancient Arabic poetry) | Raya | Sated with drink |
Reem | Gazelle | Reema | White antelope |
Rukan | Steady; Confident | Ruqaya | Name of the Prophet's daughter |
Ruwayda | Walking gently | Saabira | Patient |
Safa | Clarity; Purity; Serenity | Safiya | Untroubled; Serene; Pure; Best friend |
Sahar | Dawn | Sahla | Smooth; Soft (ground); Fluent; Flowing (style) |
Sakeena | God-inspired peace of mind; Tranquility | Saaliha | Good; Useful |
Saleema | Safe; Healthy | Saalima | Safe; Healthy |
Salma | Peaceful | Salwa | Quail; Solace |
Samaah | Generosity | Samar | Evening conversations |
Sameeha | Generous | Sameera | Entertaining companion (woman) |
Saamiya | Elevated; Lofty | Sana | Resplendence; Brilliance |
Sawda | Proper name | Sawsan | Lily of the valley |
Shatha | Aromatic | Shaadiya | Singer |
Shareefa | Noble | Sihaam | Arrows |
Suha | Name of a star | Suhayla | Smooth; Soft (ground); Fluent; Flowing (style) |
Suhayma | Small arrow | Suhair | Proper name |
Sumaiyaa | Proper name | Taahira | Pure; Chaste |
Taroob | Merry | Thanaa | Thankfulness |
Tharaa | Wealth | Thuraya | Star |
Tamadhur | Proper name | Wafa | Faithfulness |
Wafeeqa | Successful | Wafiya | Loyal; Faithful |
Wajeeha | Eminent; Distinguished | Warda | Rose |
Widad | Love; Friendship | Wijdan | Ecstasy; Sentiment |
Wisaal | Communion in love | Yasmeen | Jasmine |
Yasirah | Lenient | Yafiah | High |
Yakootah | Emerald | Yamha | Dove |
Yumn | Good fortune; Success | Yusraa | Proper name |
Zaafira | Victorious; Successful | Zahira | Shining; Luminous |
Zahraa | White | Zahrah | Flower; Beauty; Star |
Zakiyaa | Pure | Zainab | Name of Prophet's daughter |
Zaina | Beautiful |
Source :
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