Anwar al-Awlaki is a Muslim scholar
Anwar al-Awlaki is a Muslim scholar
Anwar al-Awlaki is a Muslim scholar of Yemeni heritage born in New Mexico. He served as an Imam in California, and later in the Washington, D.C. area where he headed the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center and was also the Muslim Chaplain at George Washington University. In 2004 he returned to his native Yemen where he taught at Eman university until his arrest in mid 2006. Imam Anwar was released from custody on the 12th of December 2007 having spent a year and a half behind bars. In his first interview since his release, conducted by former Guantanamo Detainee and cageprisoners spokesman Moazzam Begg, he spoke about the conditions of his detention and shared his reflections on his time in prison.
Anwar al-Awlaki is a Muslim scholar of Yemeni heritage born in New Mexico. He served as an Imam in California, and later in the Washington, D.C. area where he headed the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center and was also the Muslim Chaplain at George Washington University. In 2004 he returned to his native Yemen where he taught at Eman university until his arrest in mid 2006. Imam Anwar was released from custody on the 12th of December 2007 having spent a year and a half behind bars. In his first interview since his release, conducted by former Guantanamo Detainee and cageprisoners spokesman Moazzam Begg, he spoke about the conditions of his detention and shared his reflections on his time in prison.
Anwar Al Awlaki - Qualities of Great Women
The Life of the Prophet Muhammad (Makkan Period)![]()
16 CD set is an outstanding collection of inspirational talks that
introduces the life of Prophet Muhammad, the greatest human being to
walk the face of the earth. In these talks, Imam Anwar al-Awlaki, author
of the best selling series, The Lives of the Prophets, eloquently
presents the Makkan period of the Prophet's life in a detailed manner,
deriving valuable lessons from it and thus making it relevant to our
modern times. The series is primarily based on Ibn Kathir's book on the
Sirah. Some of the topics discussed include: The History of the Kabah,
Muhammad in the Bible, The Call to Near Kin, The Islam of Hamzah, The
Year of Grief, Lessons from the Trip to al-Taif and much more.
The Life of the Prophet Muhammad (Medina Period)![]()
Life of Muhammad (S): Medina Period 1 of 2 is the second part of a
three part series on the Sirah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (S). The
first part covered the Makkan era. This part focuses on the Medina era
starting from the Hijrah up until the battle of the Trench. Here, Imam
Anwar Al-Awlaki covers the first five years of the Medina era which
include the all important events of the Hijrah, the establishment of the
first Islamic State, the battle of Badr, the Battle of Uhud, and
finally the battle of the Trench
The Life of Muhammed - Madinah Part II![]()
set of lectures is the third and last part of “The Life of Muhammad
(saaws)”. This set covers the last five years of the life of the
Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (saaws) from the fifth year of Hijra to the
tenth. It includes the important events of the truce of Hudaybiyyah,
the battle of Khaibar, the battle of Mu’tah, the conquest of Makkah, the
battle of Hunain, the battle of Tabuk and finally the passing away of
the seal of the Prophets.
CD 1 | CD 2 | CD 3 | CD 4 | CD 5 | CD 6 | CD 7 | CD 8 | CD 9 | CD 10 | CD 11 | CD 12| CD 13 | CD 14 | CD 15 | CD 16 | CD 17 | CD 18 | CD 19 | |
The Hereafter![]()
this series, the Imam vividly portrays the different phases the human
soul passes through during its lifetime up to its death as well as the
process of judgment of souls and the resulting eternal life in Heaven or
Hell in the Hereafter. In breathtaking style the listener hears of the
events that occur just before death and the events that come after it.
The Imam gives a clear description about life in the grave, the horrors
of the last day, the major and minor signs leading to the last hour and
the day of resurrection. The Imam crowns this eloquently narrated
lecture with the process of accountability and recompense. On the Day of
Judgment those who pass the test will be rewarded with Paradise and
those who fail will be rewarded with Hellfire.
CD 1 | CD 2 | CD 3 | CD 4 | CD 5 | CD 6 | CD 7 | CD 8 | CD 9 | CD 10 | CD 11 | CD 12| CD 13 | CD 14 | CD 15 | CD 16 | CD 17 | CD 18 | CD 19 | CD 20 | CD 21 | CD 22 | |
The Lives of the Prophets![]()
Lives of the Prophets" is a series of lectures delivered by Anwar
Al-Awlaki. It is the first such series produced in the English language.
The author has done extensive research in the original Arabic
resources. The series is based primarily on Ibn Kathir¦s " Al-Bidayah
wa-nihayah (The Beginning and the End)". Br. Al-Awlaki has done an
excellent job of relying almost completely on the Quran, Hadith and
statements of the Noble Companions.
CD 1 | CD 2 | CD 3 | CD 4 | CD 5 | CD 6 | CD 7 | CD 8 | CD 9 | CD 10 | CD 11 | CD 12| CD 13 | CD 14 | CD 15 | CD 16 | CD 17 | CD 18 | CD 19 | CD 20 | CD 21 | |
Abu Bakr al Siddiq : His Life and Times![]()
series of lectures covers the different aspects of the life of Abu Bakr
(R.A.), including his life before Islam, during the life of the Prophet
Muhammad (P.B.U.H.), and finally during his Khalifah.
CD 1 | CD 2 | CD 3 | CD 4 | CD 5 | CD 6 | CD 7 | CD 8 | CD 9 | CD 10 | CD 11 | CD 12| CD 13 | CD 14 | CD 15 | Download E-Book |
Ummar Ibn Alkhataab - His Life and Times![]()
Ibn Alkhataab (R.A.), His Life and Times by Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki. This
series of lectures covers the different aspects of the life of Ummer Ibn
CD 1 | CD 2 | CD 3 | CD 4 | CD 5 | CD 6 | CD 7 | CD 8 | CD 9 | CD 10 | CD 11 | CD 12| CD 13 | CD 14 | CD 15 | CD 16 | CD 17 | CD 18 | Download E-Book |
Mashari Al-Ashwaq ila Masari al-Ushaaq![]()
About the author ==================
author’s full name was Ahmad Ibrahim Muhammad al-Dimashqi al-Dumyati,
commonly known as Ibn an-Nuhaas and he died in the Year 814 Hijri,
corresponding to the Year 1411 of the Gregorian calendar.
Al-Sakhawi said about him:
was eager to do good, preferred living in obscurity and showed no
arrogance or pride due to his knowledge. Whoever would see him would
think that he was a commoner – a handsome man, with a beautiful beard,
short and medium built. He spent most of his life stationed in Jihad
until he died as a martyr.”
Ibn al-Imad said about him:
“The Sheikh, Imam, scholar and exemplar.”
814 Hijri the Romans attacked the people of Teenah in Egypt. The people
of Dumyat, led by Ibn an-Nuhaas went to join their brothers in their
fight against the invading forces. Ibn an-Nuhaas was killed in the
battle, whilst facing the enemy and not fleeing from them, nine months
after he completed writing this book.
About the book =================
Sheikh Abdullah Azzam said about this book: “This is the best book on Jihad.”
is considered the most comprehensive study on the subject of Jihad
because it was written by an author who practised, lived and experienced
what he preached.
Qutb said: “Indeed our words will remain lifeless, until we die in
pursuit of those words, then those same words will be brought to life
and live amongst the people, inspiring them and bringing their hearts to
Download Lectures ===================
Download E-Book ========================
Mashari Al-Ashwaq ila Masari al-Ushaaq (Arabic) Download
Mashari Al-Ashwaq ila Masari al-Ushaaq (English Revised Edition)Download
Thawaabit ‘ala darb al Jihad![]()
‘ala darb al Jihad is one of the best contemporary books on the subject
of Jihad. It was written by Shaykh Yusuf al ‘Uyayree. Shaykh Yusuf had
left at an early age to fight in Afghanistan against the Russians.
People who knew him described him as a very intelligent individual who
was well-versed in all of the weaponry in all fields and was able to
train with them very well. Later, he returned to the Arabian Peninsula
where he continued serving the Mujahideen in Chechnya and fundraised for
them. As time passed, he was arrested and put in jail for a few years.
In jail he memorized al Bukhari and Muslim. When he came out, he wrote a
few books; each one of them is a masterpiece. One can see the depth of
his textual references to Qur’an and Sunnah as well as references to
present day occurences. He was later killed and died shaheed by the
security forces in the Arabian Peninsula; we ask Allah for that to be
the case.
Beyond Guantanamo: Is This The End?![]()
the words of those who have been or are in the dungeons of the enemies
of Islam, Shaikh Anwar al Awlaki delivers a message to the Muslim
prisoners from the Muslim prisoners. This lecture, which was scheduled
for public broadcast at the Annual CagePrisoners Iftar Dinner 2009, was
banned by the Kensington and Chelsea Council in London without reason.
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State of the Ummah![]()
what is the matter with you, that you fight not in the cause of
Allaah..." In the lecture Anwar Al-Awlaki gives the audience a much
needed reminder, using the Qur’aan and Hadeeth, to give a solution to
the humiliated Ummah. Reminding us that “our honour is in our religion”
and so we should return to it, if we wish to see the return of al
Islaam. Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki delivered this lecture entitled "State of
the Ummah" on 1st March 2009 via Teleconference to our brothers and
sisters in Pakistan
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Dreams and Dream Interpretations![]()
Almighty says: “Behold! Verily on the friends of Allah there is no
fear, nor shall they grieve; those who believe and guard against evil.
For them are glad tidings, in the life of this world and in the
Hereafter.” The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) explained the glad tidings of
the life of this world to be dreams. He said it is: “the good dream that
a Muslim sees or is seen for him” The world of dreams is an amazing and
intriguing one. The early scholar of Islam Ibn Qutaybah says: “There is
nothing that people deal with from the different sciences that is more
obscure, delicate, exalted, noble, difficult, and problematic than
dreams, because they are a type of revelation and a kind of
prophethood”. CD1: seventeen Rules of Dream Interpretations CD2: Dreams
in the Quran and Hadith CD3: Dreams of the Companions and examples of
interpretation from the book of Ibn Qutayba
CD 1 | CD 2 | CD 3 |
The Dust will Never Settle Down![]()
has been recently an increase of unacceptable behavior from the kuffar
towards our beloved Prophet. So what is the ruling of sharia on such
incidents and how did the Sahaba deal with such people and what do our
scholars say about them. About this and more Imam Anwar will deliver a
talk titled: “The Dust will Never Settle Down”. Allaah will suffice His
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) against the
criminals who mock him. He says (interpretation of the meaning): “For he
who hates you (O Muhammad), he will be cut off (from posterity and
every good thing in this world and in the Hereafter)” [al-Kawthar 108:3]
i.e., he is scorned and humiliated and cut off from all that is good.
When the Muslims besieged a stronghold and its people resisted, then
they heard them mocking and reviling the Prophet (peace and blessings of
Allaah be upon him), they would sense that victory was at hand, and it
would only be a short time before Allaah granted them victory, to avenge
His Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Al-Saarim
al-Maslool (p. 116-117).
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Battle of The Hearts and Minds![]()
lecture was delivered to a South African audience via live phone link
on Sunday 11 May 2008. It was part of a Conference held by PureIslam Da'wah and Publications themed:
Holding on to Hot Coals - Surviving as a Muslim in the West. An
important topic that is going unnoticed by the majority of people around
the world. With the advancement of communications in the world, the
enemies are not only plotting away with their weapons but also with
their lies portrayed in the media spreading all sorts of lies to justify
the slaughter of innocent human beings
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The Maccan Minority![]()
light of the current situation the Muslim Ummah is facing in the West,
it is evident that there is a pressing need for a better understanding
of how the Muslims should live as a minority in a non-Muslim society.
Sheikh Anwar Al-Awlaki sheds light upon the Quran, hadeeth and the
seerah (particularly the first 13 years in Makkah) and presents lessons
to the daiee’ in order to strengthen his or her methods of conveying the
message of Islam to the West.
Part 1 | Part 2 |
The Bearers Of Glad Tidings![]()
Salallahu alahi Wasallam in the bible. "Those who follow the Apostle,
the unlettered Prophet, Whom they find mentioned in their own
Scriptures, in the Torah and the Gospel... (Holy Qu'ran: VII - 157;
Translation: Yusif Ali)
Allah Is Preparing Us For Victory![]()
title is taken from the book on history Al-Kaamil by Imam Ibn Atheer
(rahimahullah). If Allah ‘Azza wa Jall wants an end He will create for
it the means that will lead towards that end. If Allah ‘Azza wa Jall
wants victory for this Ummah, then Allah ‘Azza wa Jall creates the
circumstances for that. So you can sense victory is coming by looking at
what is happening today.
Part I | Part II |
Understanding the Qur’an![]()
decorations and occasional recitation upon the death of a family member
are just some of the ways that the use and purpose of the Qur’an has
been misconstrued. Sheikh Anwar Al-Awlaki explains and reminds the
listener of the true purpose for the Quran’s revelation. The Sheikh
looks at examples such as Ibn ‘Umar taking 14 years to memorize Surah
Baqarah, whereas nowadays it could take as little as a few months. Why
the discrepancy? It was due to their application of each ayat before
moving on to another. One must remember to ponder, reflect and
understand the Quran properly, thereby actualizing the true reason for
its revelation.
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Companions Of The Ditch And Lessons From The Life Of Musa![]()
Companions Of The Ditch -
In the first of these two lectures Imam Anwar extracts benefits from
the famous story in the Qur'an about the struggle between a boy of faith
and a disbelieving king. Imam Anwar explains the significance of the
story in the constant conflict between truth and falsehood and the
sacrifices required to stand firm upon Iman (faith)
Lessons from the life of Prophet Musa (alayhis-salam) - The life of Musa (alayhis-salam) is truly a treasure chest for the Muslim Ummah. In this sermon (Khutbah) Imam Anwar has taken selected events from the life of Musa to exemplify how Allah strenghtens and aids those who believe in times of need.
Companions Of The Ditch
Track 1 | Track 2 | Track 3 | Track 4 | Track 5 | Track 6
Lessons From The Life Of Musa
Track 1 | Track 2 | Track 3 | Track 4 | Track 5 | Track 6 | Track 7 |
25 Promises from Allah to the Believers![]()
lively two CD Lecture presents many lessons and benefits for the Muslim
Ummah in their time of need. This lecture will instill trust, reliance
and hope in Allah, whilst strengthening a Muslim's conviction knowing
that Allah never fails in His promises
CD 1 | CD 2 |
Stories from Hadith![]()
tales of past nations relived in the words of a superb narrator
renowned for his story telling skills. Listen to this audio chronicle of
legends from past nations and the lessons held within them. These
stories were narrated by the Prophet (pbuh) to his Companions and have
since found their way into the books of Sahih Hadith.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | |
Anwar speaks about the necessity of understanding and performing Hijra
for the sake of Allah. Surah/Chapter 008 - Al-Anfâl. Verse 72. English
Translation of the Meaning(The Noble Qur’an) Lo! those who believed and
left their homes and strove with their wealth and their lives for the
cause of Allah, and those who took them in and helped them; these are
protecting friends one of another. And those who believed but did not
leave their homes, ye have no duty to protect them till they leave their
homes; but if they seek help from you in the matter of religion then it
is your duty to help (them) except against a folk between whom and you
there is a treaty. Allah is Seer of what ye do.
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The Story Of The Bull![]()
and Conquering the Muslim lands; the speaker discusses this political
phenomenon with a simple parable from the Sunnah, of a lion that
cunningly divides and devours three bulls. The bulls remained too much
of a meal for the lion while they held together, defending each others
backs. The lion thus adopted the art of deceiving, thus causing the
bulls to fall into suspicion and apathy, dividing their strength,
rendering them useless against the bitter bite of the enemy.
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Quest For Truth - Salman al-Farisi![]()
is the story of the famed companion of the Prophet (pbuh), Salman the
Persian and his incredible journey to Islam. Having begun life as the
boy of a Zoroastrian priest, Salman soon found a simple errand for his
father had become the beginning of an epic struggle to discover the
truth about life and purpose. Salman was a pagan fire worshiper, who
became the apprentice of two Christian priests, one after the other, who
then became the slave of a Jew, finally finding liberation in the light
of Islam. All of which happened in the span of many years. His story is
a tale of patience, persistence and forbearance for the truth.
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Another Ramadan 2008![]()
Anwar al-Awlaki delivered this speech via teleconference at Another
Ramadan 2008 charity dinner organised by Cageprisoners on the 7th
September 2008 in Wandsworth Civic Suite, London.
Download |
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