Why Does the Government Care so Much About Vaccinating You?
Why Does the Government Care so Much About Vaccinating You?
Activist Post
The government cares about you being vaccinated. No, they don’t
necessarily care about the negative effects of the vaccination or your
concerns, but they do invest millions of dollars to ensure as many
people as possible receive things like the flu vaccine every year. They
say they care because they want you healthy, but evidence shows not only
do they not care, but vaccinations aren’t a good way to maintain
health. Why? What’s the big motivator for the government to push
vaccines like a dealer pushing illegal drugs on the corner?
Like any other drug dealer, there’s only ever one real motivation, and it isn't your health.
The Alliance for Natural Health reports that the federal government has recently invested $400 million towards developing vaccines and similar drugs. This money is going to the Big Pharma companies of Novartis, Lonza, and GlaxoSmithKline, among others. They recently gave Sanofi Pasteur $77.4 million to retrofit their vaccine plant, far less than the company is putting towards the changes themselves. They’re doling out taxpayer money by the fortune and giving it to these companies who hide behind what they call “prevention” and “preparedness,” never minding the fact that the effects of these vaccines are highly questionable and the flu vaccine still contains mercury—one of the most toxic substances on the planet.
But it gets much, much scarier (and crazier). We recently reported that one biotech company known as ProdiGene, the officials from which actually faced jail time back in 2002 for contaminating the traditional food supply with ‘biopharmaceutical’ crops that were growing pharmaceuticals and vaccine components associated with AIDS, diabetes, and diarrhea. As if forcing vaccines on the public and infants isn’t enough, we need biofarms too?
Any concerns raised by the people or by science are cast off as conspiracy-theories or anomalies. But despite maintaining vaccines are for the good of everyone, the government has set up a vaccine court to help support Big Pharma should they get caught up in lawsuits. The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program is designed to compensate people who are adversely affected by vaccines without really placing the blame on vaccine makers. It protects Big Pharma with federal dollars.
Though they maintain vaccines are safe, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has “issued decisions in favor of plaintiffs who were hurt by the flu vaccine”. They don’t want you to know about that though. They ignore the numbers which show an increase in adverse reactions to flu vaccines. They disregard research that shows people who received the flu shot were actually more likely to develop H1N1 than those who didn't. They whitewash it all and urge everyone to get the injections.

The Alliance for Natural Health reports that the federal government has recently invested $400 million towards developing vaccines and similar drugs. This money is going to the Big Pharma companies of Novartis, Lonza, and GlaxoSmithKline, among others. They recently gave Sanofi Pasteur $77.4 million to retrofit their vaccine plant, far less than the company is putting towards the changes themselves. They’re doling out taxpayer money by the fortune and giving it to these companies who hide behind what they call “prevention” and “preparedness,” never minding the fact that the effects of these vaccines are highly questionable and the flu vaccine still contains mercury—one of the most toxic substances on the planet.
But it gets much, much scarier (and crazier). We recently reported that one biotech company known as ProdiGene, the officials from which actually faced jail time back in 2002 for contaminating the traditional food supply with ‘biopharmaceutical’ crops that were growing pharmaceuticals and vaccine components associated with AIDS, diabetes, and diarrhea. As if forcing vaccines on the public and infants isn’t enough, we need biofarms too?
Any concerns raised by the people or by science are cast off as conspiracy-theories or anomalies. But despite maintaining vaccines are for the good of everyone, the government has set up a vaccine court to help support Big Pharma should they get caught up in lawsuits. The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program is designed to compensate people who are adversely affected by vaccines without really placing the blame on vaccine makers. It protects Big Pharma with federal dollars.
Though they maintain vaccines are safe, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has “issued decisions in favor of plaintiffs who were hurt by the flu vaccine”. They don’t want you to know about that though. They ignore the numbers which show an increase in adverse reactions to flu vaccines. They disregard research that shows people who received the flu shot were actually more likely to develop H1N1 than those who didn't. They whitewash it all and urge everyone to get the injections.

vaccine industry is just another money-making, good-ol’-boy network of
“Crony Capitalism”. It isn't about your health or the “preparedness” of
the nation for an outbreak. It’s about money. It’s about lining the
pockets of the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry at any
cost—including if that cost is your life or that of your child.
Learn your rights to saying no to vaccines today.
Learn your rights to saying no to vaccines today.
Saying No to Vaccines: Your Rights
June 26, 2012
you aren’t aware that vaccines are a controversial matter, you haven’t
been paying attention. The government and big pharma would have you
believe your life is at risk if you don’t vaccinate. But, growing
research suggests vaccines aren’t effective in the prevention of disease
and that they may actually cause more harm than good. The good news is
that you have rights, and that saying no to vaccines is an option.
A new book by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny examines some tough questions in regards to vaccinations and people of all ages. According to the book’s official website, Saying No to Vaccines is a “resource guide for everyone concerned with vaccination,” a guide for “all ages.”
Within its pages is information on the history of mandated vaccinations, details on vaccine exemptions (for schools, military, healthcare professionals, and more), vaccine ingredients, and more than 350 medical references regarding common problems associated with vaccinations.
In a recent interview with Crusador as published on Rense.com, Dr. Tenpenny described her book and her mission:
“Parents needed a tool that did their homework for them. The evidence is there to support their decision to not vaccinate; you just have to do a little work to find it. Everyone seems to be so afraid of “bugs” and their potential ability to make us sick. But the reality is that we swim in “bugs” every day and we are not dropping over like flies.. The only “bugs” we seem to obsess over are associated with vaccines. Only two generations ago, measles, mumps and chickenpox were normal experiences of childhood. Why we have complete fear of these infections is media and money driven and unfounded.”If the focus of Public Health was on sleep, exercise, clean water and safe, non-GMO food, we would have a healthy society without vaccines, but we would not have billion dollar industries employing millions of people to keep us “healthy.” The fact is, we are a very UNhealthy society with vaccines, so the Public health and argument that we must vaccinate ‘for greater good’ is a failure.
There are plenty of reasons for saying no to vaccines. The fact is, your immune system is the best fighter against illness and disease, not vaccines. If you have already received a vaccine or your child has, it is important to take some measure to ensure immediate and long-term safety by treating the immune response.
When asked whether she is confident about the people’s self-empowerment when it comes to vaccines, Dr. Tenpenny says Americans “tend to be sheep,” and expresses a commonly-held belief that “no one wants to stand out, speak up and challenge authority.” Hopefully, by giving people the knowledge needed she can influence change.
You can read the rest of her interview on saying no to vaccines here and see more about her book Say No to Vaccinations on the official website. Also, look at how to avoid ‘mandatory’ vaccinations through exemption.
June 26, 2012

Saying No to Vaccines
But knowing how to say no to vaccination can be overwhelming for some people. This is particularly true for parents sending their children into schools. States set the requirements for vaccination and admittance into their school systems, and most allow for some exceptions—whether religious or personal in nature—allowing parents to avoid vaccinating their children. But, how do you know what your rights are in your states?A new book by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny examines some tough questions in regards to vaccinations and people of all ages. According to the book’s official website, Saying No to Vaccines is a “resource guide for everyone concerned with vaccination,” a guide for “all ages.”
Within its pages is information on the history of mandated vaccinations, details on vaccine exemptions (for schools, military, healthcare professionals, and more), vaccine ingredients, and more than 350 medical references regarding common problems associated with vaccinations.
In a recent interview with Crusador as published on Rense.com, Dr. Tenpenny described her book and her mission:
“Parents needed a tool that did their homework for them. The evidence is there to support their decision to not vaccinate; you just have to do a little work to find it. Everyone seems to be so afraid of “bugs” and their potential ability to make us sick. But the reality is that we swim in “bugs” every day and we are not dropping over like flies.. The only “bugs” we seem to obsess over are associated with vaccines. Only two generations ago, measles, mumps and chickenpox were normal experiences of childhood. Why we have complete fear of these infections is media and money driven and unfounded.”If the focus of Public Health was on sleep, exercise, clean water and safe, non-GMO food, we would have a healthy society without vaccines, but we would not have billion dollar industries employing millions of people to keep us “healthy.” The fact is, we are a very UNhealthy society with vaccines, so the Public health and argument that we must vaccinate ‘for greater good’ is a failure.
There are plenty of reasons for saying no to vaccines. The fact is, your immune system is the best fighter against illness and disease, not vaccines. If you have already received a vaccine or your child has, it is important to take some measure to ensure immediate and long-term safety by treating the immune response.
When asked whether she is confident about the people’s self-empowerment when it comes to vaccines, Dr. Tenpenny says Americans “tend to be sheep,” and expresses a commonly-held belief that “no one wants to stand out, speak up and challenge authority.” Hopefully, by giving people the knowledge needed she can influence change.
You can read the rest of her interview on saying no to vaccines here and see more about her book Say No to Vaccinations on the official website. Also, look at how to avoid ‘mandatory’ vaccinations through exemption.
All vaccines are dangerous and do not work and have been used for
depopulation through sterilisation as has occurred in Africa and will
also be used for mandatory microchipping of the human population. The
Verichip RFID microchips will be able to control every aspect a person’s
life including financial, medical, security, location and law
enforcement. If the person fails to comply then an electric shock will
be administered by the chip to the persons nervous system with ever
increasing levels of electric shocks including a fatal level the signal
for this could be sent by the cell phone.
Merck scientist Maurice Hilleman interviews:
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