Rohingya: #Rohingya: Final Wipe Out?
The only thing matter to us is Humanity, and stop this genocide and killing so we should raise our voice with all supporting the cause.
O Allah Help us and wake the wealthy and wise Muslims and People with Faith(Emaan) to let them help the world. And help us awake the one good being and may be rest awake themselves. O God raise the people from us and make us strong enough to help the needy in all times
Its not about who is who but its about us. What we are doing is more important than what others doing. We have to answer for us and they have for them. Kindly do your part well and being a good being and good Muslim we should left all to ALLAH as ALLAH knows the best and ALLAH is all knowledge and information. ALLAH is start and ALLAH is end. and Honestly our struggle starts from us for Humanity and all good causes.
Only 97 Signed the petition
Dear all brothers and sisters let us not worry who is who and what is what. Raise your voice or send a boat or rescue the people by any means possibles. If few are sleeping or few our short of resources You can at-least raise your voices as there is a very clear line between right and wrong and distinction and difference. So Please raise your voice so other day someone can raise for you or us. Its not about USA or UN but its about Humanity. If we saved one Human-being we will save all humanity.
Rohingya Muslims from the state of Arakan in Burma.
#atrocities #burma #burmagenocide #Arakan #arakan #killing #murder #wakeup #muslim #muslimsinburma #muslimsgenocide #muslims #rohingya #rohingyamuslims
Since October 21, organized mobs of Rakhine Buddhist extremist headed by fanatic monks declare campaign to wipe out ethnic Rohingya Muslim from their ancestral land of Minbya, Mrauk-U, Pauktaw, kyaukphy and other part of Burma.The local, state and national government of U Thein Sein are supporting crime against humanity to achieve their dream of Muslim free Arakan and Burma.
You may read it further
Kindly sign this petition and do share to all
USA must initiate sending UN peace keeping forces since Majority of Buddhist population and President of Burma are openly asking to expel Rohingya minority out of their ancestral land of Arakan Burma. Without international peace keeping force, more than 1.5 million Rohingya population will be extinct very soon due to mob attack, starvation, physical, psychological, emotional suffering from various kinds of abuses by security forces.
Above article 'expressed fear that Kyauk Pru island town has been comletely over-run - leaving 10,000 displaced after all houses were razed and burnt to ashes'. That's got to be good news for this project about to begin:

O Allah Help us and wake the wealthy and wise Muslims and People with Faith(Emaan) to let them help the world. And help us awake the one good being and may be rest awake themselves. O God raise the people from us and make us strong enough to help the needy in all times
Its not about who is who but its about us. What we are doing is more important than what others doing. We have to answer for us and they have for them. Kindly do your part well and being a good being and good Muslim we should left all to ALLAH as ALLAH knows the best and ALLAH is all knowledge and information. ALLAH is start and ALLAH is end. and Honestly our struggle starts from us for Humanity and all good causes.
Only 97 Signed the petition
Dear all brothers and sisters let us not worry who is who and what is what. Raise your voice or send a boat or rescue the people by any means possibles. If few are sleeping or few our short of resources You can at-least raise your voices as there is a very clear line between right and wrong and distinction and difference. So Please raise your voice so other day someone can raise for you or us. Its not about USA or UN but its about Humanity. If we saved one Human-being we will save all humanity.
Rohingya Muslims from the state of Arakan in Burma.
#atrocities #burma #burmagenocide #Arakan #arakan #killing #murder #wakeup #muslim #muslimsinburma #muslimsgenocide #muslims #rohingya #rohingyamuslims
Since October 21, organized mobs of Rakhine Buddhist extremist headed by fanatic monks declare campaign to wipe out ethnic Rohingya Muslim from their ancestral land of Minbya, Mrauk-U, Pauktaw, kyaukphy and other part of Burma.The local, state and national government of U Thein Sein are supporting crime against humanity to achieve their dream of Muslim free Arakan and Burma.
You may read it further
Kindly sign this petition and do share to all
Free Rohingya Campaign
Since October 21, organized mobs of Rakhine Buddhist extremist headed by fanatic monks declare campaign to wipe out ethnic Rohingya Muslim from their ancestral land of Minbya, Mrauk-U, Pauktaw, kyaukphy and other part of Burma.The local, state and national government of U Thein Sein are supporting crime against humanity to achieve their dream of Muslim free Arakan and Burma.
Many innocent Rohingya Muslim lives and properties in danger due to systematic preplanned process of ethnic cleansing in Arakan Burma. United States and World and all Muslims have moral responsibility to save the lives of innocent people from the inhumane cruelty by the majority Buddhist towards minority Rohingya.United States must send clear signal to Buddhist religious extremist as well as government that USA will never tolerate ethnic cleansing and genocide in Burma.USA must initiate sending UN peace keeping forces since Majority of Buddhist population and President of Burma are openly asking to expel Rohingya minority out of their ancestral land of Arakan Burma. Without international peace keeping force, more than 1.5 million Rohingya population will be extinct very soon due to mob attack, starvation, physical, psychological, emotional suffering from various kinds of abuses by security forces.
Petition Letter
Initiate sending UN peace keeping force
Since October 21, organized mobs of Rakhine Buddhist extremist headed by fanatic monks declare campaign to wipe out ethnic Rohingya Muslim from their ancestral land of Minbya, Mrauk-U, Pauktaw, kyaukphy and other part of Burma.The local, state and national government of U Thein Sein are supporting crime against humanity to achieve their dream of Muslim free...
Since October 21, organized mobs of Rakhine Buddhist extremist headed by fanatic monks declare campaign to wipe out ethnic Rohingya Muslim from their ancestral land of Minbya, Mrauk-U, Pauktaw, kyaukphy and other part of Burma.The local, state and national government of U Thein Sein are supporting crime against humanity to achieve their dream of Muslim free...
Mandalay, Myanmar12m
santa clara, CA44m
Yangon, Myanmar56m
Chittagong, Bangladesh1h
Portlan, OR1h
Bolingbrook, IL3h
Hyderabad, India5h
Cincinnati, OH7h
Sheffield, United Kingdom9h
Prague, Czech Republic9h
Reasons for Signing
Min Thit
Mandalay, MyanmarIt is heading to civil war in Myanmar.
Nurul Islam
Chittagong, BangladeshTo enable surviving Rohingyas from the hands of Rakhines and Myanmar security forces
jitka pekarkova
Prague, Czech RepublicI support only peaceful ways and measures, and more likely by the UN, like the UNHCR, not U.S. separately. This must not be misused for the Western interests.
mohammad anwar
jeddah, Saudi Arabiabecause myanmar goverment and rakhine goverment are state terrorism.please peace loving people around world save myanmar muslims from massacre.
iris ledesma
mar del plata, Argentinapor la cruel injusticia que viola los derechos y sostiene los silencios..
Anowar Chowdhury
Doha, QatarI do not support any type of killing of an religion
syed rashid akhtar
doha, Qatarits a matter of muslims being harassed.
Tipu Sultan
Taxila, PakistanKilling a human being is killing of all humanity. So have dare to speak against the oppressor is sign of faith. so speak on all floors and Truth have to win and light have to come.
fizza ahmad
lahore, Pakistanits our duty that's why
adeel qureshi
karachi, Pakistanethnic killing should be stopped :(
mohammed rezuwan
ansan, Korea, Republic ofstop rohingya ethnic cleansing in myanmar
Kamal Koldounn
Paris, FranceConfessional freedom is one of The fondamental human rigths
Ahsan Khan
Islamabad, PakistanHumanity, Atrocities and bloodshed should be stop immediately against Muslims.
ali sadeghi
Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic ofUnited terrorist states of america behind all of these crimes. İts obvipus from their censored media.
ahmet paksoy
Nif, TurkeyNot US but UN must take action against it. US is perpetrator of this crime. US gave green light for massacre after normalizing ties with Myanmar gov.
Paul Deakin
Douglas, Isle of ManThis is state supported genocide
Laila Isti Qomah
Palangkaraya, IndonesiaEveryone has right to live and to hold their religion according to what they believe. No one can take peoples' right.
Ahmed Alaraibi
Brisbane, AustraliaDeadly massacres and signs of genocide that is committed against the Rohingya ethnic in Burma. INITIATE SENDING UN PEACE KEEPING FORCE!
Need Justice
Riyadh, Saudi ArabiaKilling 100 people in one day is not humanity ! When you can speak against terrorism than why #UN #USA is silent here? You should speak about 'INNOCENT' people who are getting killed.
William Jones
Carmarthen, United KingdomThe world must intervene to stop the killing of the rohingya
Ibrahim Mohammad
Mikkeli, FinlandBecause I'm an Rohingya. Brmeses gov and Rakhine are killing and burnning Rohingya's villages. stop mass killing. UN should immediate peace keeping troops.
Rachel Belward
York, United Kingdom"Never again" has to mean something.
abdul munaf
Japansolve rohingyas problem.
seoul, Korea, Republic ofsave rohingya by UN
shawkhin yunus
medan, Indonesiai agree to send UNHCR peace keeping force to arkan state in myanmar
mohammed ishaque
seoul, Korea, Republic ofurgent need un force to save rohingya.
Mayu Khin
Yangon, MyanmarHelp the Rohingya, save the Rohingya, please, please, please.
Maaung Hla Abu bakar
yango, MyanmarPlease send UN forces to Arakan to save Rohingya.
Nouman Abulkasim
Jeddah, Saudi Arabiai need urgent UN Security force to send in Arakan state to save Rohingya Muslim.
Mr Annawarr Husein
Yangon, MyanmarUrgent help our Rohingya Muslims , please. We are humans. Save us .
Dr Kyaw Zeyar Win
Yangon, MyanmarBecause I'm Rohingya as well as human.The only reason for such ethnic cleaning on Rohingya is "We are Muslims" . We almost ran out of our voices by asking help. If no action was taken to stop this ethnic cleansing, all our people would have disappeared from Arakan sooner or later.
mohammad anwar
jeddah, Saudi Arabiafor human right
because there are a lot of rohingya muslims killing by rakhine terrorist and myanmar state terrorism.please help minority muslims in myanmar.myanmar government is like animals.please please please help muslims -
mohammad anwar
jeddah, Saudi Arabiarohingya is my life
Nora Rowley
La Grange, ILSave lives and bring peace to long persecuted and abused fellow human brings
Yasmine Ara
London, United KingdomBecause I'm rohingya as well as human. We almost ran out of our voices by asking help. If no action was taken to stop this ethnic cleansing, all our people would have disappeared from Arakan sooner or later.
Sazaat Ahammed
Amsterdam, NetherlandsHuman Rights is for everyone in everywhere. Such inhumane cruelty must not be tolerated! In 21st century State Organized ethnic cleansing must not be tolerated! UN says Rohingya the most persecuted group on this Earth! President Thein Sein said " Rohingya must be excluded or put in the camp under the coaching of UNHCR. Is this not enough evidence to stop Burmese authorities from Cleansing/Genociding an ethnic group? The question is who will take this step? A> Only US together with EU. Every human-being has obligation to stop this cruelty, but not everyone has the same power. Thus, the world leading countries in all, particularly in Human Rights; United State of America and The European Union can stop, should stop and must stop for the sake of the word "Human Rights". Otherwise the USA and EU made "Word" "Human Rights" will regret forever.
Chetan Patel
Forest Hills, NYGovernment is responsible for protecting rights of minority in any country. In case of Burma, Rohingya are being prosecuted and driven away from their home while Burmese government stands by idly, which is unacceptable.
Muhammad Iqbal
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysiato save Rohingya's life and properties!
Asma Jaan
Waterloo, CanadaEthics live with respect to the rightness and wrongness of the choices humans make. this people are living 1000 of year they should live with respect.
David Ullathorne
Weston-super-Mare, United KingdomMany innocent Rohingya Muslim lives and properties in danger due to systematic preplanned process of ethnic cleansing in Arakan state, Burma
Feraya Ullathorne
Weston-super-Mare, United KingdomThe Burma military regime has gone too far already. We must do whatever we can to stop the extremely horrendous human rights crimes against the Rohingya who are helpless victims of the barbaric Burmese government and the wild Rakine nationalistic extremists.
Misrah Abu
Portland, ORlives of people
maung maung
PORTLAND, ORStop ethnic cleansing
Abdul Jarbar
Portland, ORStop Genocide
Nur Hasim
Kitchener, CanadaTo save the Rohingya muslim minority in Myanmar
ismail ansari
Makkah, Saudi Arabiastop Rohinyga ethnic cleansing
Aziz Nur
Kitchener, CanadaAs they are human beings.
Kaladan Press Network
Chittagong, Bangladeshto rise the issue to international to save the lives of Burmese Muslim ( Rohingya)
yusuf Iqbal
Portland,Stop religious persecution
Free Rohingya Campaign
New York, NYHuman Right
Rohingya: Final Wipe Out?
News is breaking of another clearance of the Rohingya Muslims from the
state of Arakan in Burma. This could be worse than the last if urgent
action is not taken. They have been given until 25th October to get out
of their homes or face violence, but burnings of homes and killings have
already begun. I have gathered all the news I could find on this here.
Please let your governments and media outlets know this is a tragedy
happening NOW. (this page will be updated as new links are found on this
25th Oct
Kyauk Pru Refugee(25-10-2012)
Hossain Siddique
Please see @Aungaungsittwe and for more recent images from Burma
As the #rakhine racist maugs walking around with sticks and weapons, #Rohingya villages burnt to ashes
Please see @Aungaungsittwe and for more recent images from Burma
What is the guilty of these children?
In KyaukPhu town of Arakan state, houses of Rohingya are still burning.
Burma Massacre Fears: Reports of Phase II Expulsion of Unwanted Rohingya
Two Rohingya callers report. 90 herded into boat then men shot women raped. 1000 fled into mountains around Sittwe.
The boats with thousands of Rohingya are floating on the water, some have no fuel to go forwards
Kyaukpyu’s Muslim Quarter Razed to the Ground
Noone left in Muslim quarter. All heading to Sittwe in boats, or killed, with weapons such as machetes. Eleven admitted to hospital.
Students call for removal of Rohingya villages
More than 800 students joined a rally to call for an end to “studying with terrorist Bengalis” and for the removal of Muslim villages on the road to the university.
Muslims in Myae Pon are starving, Chief Police Officer Is Leading the Violence
Refugees fear death by starvation.Reports that Police Chief Thar San is leading the killing.
Police accused of provocation in Burma violence
A Burmese Muslim politician says local police in Burma's Rakhine state are instigating violence
Violence in Arakan Spread to Kyaut Taw Today
At 6:30 AM, Rakhines have started burning down houses at Lat Saung Kaut village. Those fleeing the area were shot by the Rakhine Army. local witness reports 7 deaths.
Three Ferries Carrying Muslim Refugees Were Attacked in Arakan: Many Died
3 ferries reported as attacked the previous day, and victims including women chopped up. One 10 year old boy escaped.
Setting fire and killing Rohingyas resumes in Kyauk Taw
Burning of 20 houses began at 5.30am whilst Muslims praying in the mosque. Two shot dead, one seriously injured.
24th Oct
Ultimatum issued to get out of houses by 25th October
Reports of firefighters arriving with tank full of petrol instead of water to put on blazing homes.
pic- those little huts of #Rohingya burning to ashes. can't imagine what happened there & how many dead. @JamilaHanan
Security in Pak Taw Township Now Uncertain
Village told by secuirty forces they could not be protected. Seven men went to hire ferries to help villagers escape but the Rakhines arrested them. 'Since they are in Rakhines’ hands, they won’t come alive. Their bodies won’t even come back.'
News of Rohingya in Pauktaw, Mre Bon and Kaukphyu Tsp
Pauktaw: Men slaughtered in front of women and children in river, young
boy espaped. Kyauk Phyu: 600 killed trying to escape by boat. Mre Bon:
600 homes burnt, deaths unknown.
Rohingyas Float Dead in River As Fish
3000 homes burnt to ground. 100 corpses floating after boat overturned
just one 13 year old escaped. 1300 stuck on river bank got just a few
hours to escape or be killed.
More than 40 boats of Rohingyas float in the river
More than 15,000 floating in boats fate unknown. Rakhines planning to kill the people in the boats.
Not Expecting to See Sunlight - 2000 Rohingya Await Death
In Minbya, the only remaining Rohingya village, Lombaichar, has 850 Rohingya homes which are now completely encircled by a 7,000 strong Rakhine force. 2000 remaining Rohingya do not expect to see sunlight.
Above article 'expressed fear that Kyauk Pru island town has been comletely over-run - leaving 10,000 displaced after all houses were razed and burnt to ashes'. That's got to be good news for this project about to begin:
300 Trapped Awaiting Death
Other than death, other options seem completely unlikely.
Hundreds Killed and Thousands of Homes Destroyed in Arakan State
Eyewitness account of approximately 100 + 350 women and children + 200
(total 650) slaughtered, 600 + 100 + 600 homes burnt (total 1300 homes),
plus people jumping in river with nowhere to go.
Burma's Rohingya face 'new wave of violence'
'suggests that a concerted campaign has begun to drive Rohingya out of this district'
Latest News on Rakhine Terror in Arakan State (Oct 24 @ 11: 30AM)
Eyewitness reports, people chopped up with swords, women and children
put on boats but Navy threaten to shoot them. Fire on four sides, people
with nowhere to go.
Rakhine Student Union in Sittwe to Remove Muslims from Villages and Schools
Rally gathering now in Sittwe.
Burma clashes spread to new districts
Even the government says 1,000 homes have been burnt (so it must be bad!)
Anti-Muslim Hate Letters Spreading in Yangon Outskirts
Hate letters are now being distributed by the Patriotic Youth Network with propaganda to turn people against the Rohingya Muslims
One of the #Rohingya Muslims villages completely burnt to ashes and the world is silent. #oic
23rd Oct
More than 800 houses burn out in Minbya and Maruk-U
Rohingya Unrest Continues - 100 killed
100 feared dead, 26 raped, 200,000 stranded in homes with nowhere to go.
Rakhine Terroristsand RNDP Party are Meeting in Mrauk Oo and Minbya Tsps for Further Killing of Rohingya
Police tell Rohingya to leave villages or be killed
Detailed report of atrocities Rohingya in Burma up to 23rd Oct Oct Demonstration Against Muslim Office: Monks Whipped Up in the Hatred (preparation for massacre?)
Leaked video footage from June 2012
Remember Rohingya, a Restless Beings Report
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