Barrister Sultana Tafadar And Islam

Barrister Sultana And Islam

Barrister Sultana And Islam Inspired by Muhammad PBUH

“Working as a barrister at a leading human rights firm,
I often get asked the question: how are you able to reconcile your choice of profession with Islam’s views regarding the role of women? The question usually stems from the false presumption that Islam sees women as unequal to men. This could not be further from the truth. My answer is that there is no conflict to reconcile. Rather my choice of profession is entirely in sync with, and indeed promoted, by Islam.
If you study the rights and status of women in Islam, it is easy to conclude that the laws and practices put in place by Prophet Muhammad were, and still are, revolutionary. He brought recognition to their rights in both the private and public spheres in a society which inflicted the worst kinds of degradations on women. His reforms continue to be revolutionary in that they do not regard men as being the comparator or the benchmark by which equality is measured. Whilst Islam promotes the notion that men and women are spiritual and intellectual equals, it also gives value to the differences between the sexes as strengths rather than weaknesses.
From an Islamic perspective, women are regarded as being particularly suited to engaging in the legal arena. This is not only because we are intellectual equals to men, but also because we were more likely to introduce a level of empathy and thereby give recognition to the human dimensions of justice. I certainly try to adopt this approach in my work.
I believe that a return to the Prophetic legacy would further empower women. We will see the valuable roles we have to perform more clearly, and that to be equal is not to be ‘the same as a man’, but to be a woman.”


Crime, Civil Actions Against the Police, International Law
A popular choice amongst lay and professional clients, Sultana's busy practice encompasses a wide range of serious offences including terrorism, homicide, serious violence, firearms, robberies, large-scale drugs and fraud. Whether as a led junior or experienced sole counsel in high profile and/or complex cases, she has a proven track record of achieving excellent outcomes. Combined with her exceptional background in human rights, international law and anti terror work, having worked for a number of leading NGOs prior to joining Chambers, she is well equipped to deal with cases which give rise to these issues. A dedicated defence advocate, she not only impresses with her skilful advocacy and sound legal judgement, but also provides unrivalled client care and is able to gain the trust and confidence of even the most the most difficult of lay clients.

Women's Rights



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